WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.
WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.
I like that they clearly did this with a grand total of 3 people. Guaranteed VW had a team of engineers optimizing every aspect of their run. Koenigsegg just takes their car to the nearest air strip and demolishes the Chiron’s record, then probably gets lunch.
You have just defined the Ford’s advertising campaign.
Good take from Bob Costas:
Screw you, Redford! I will continue to use Pat Tillman as I patriotically rock out to Springsteen’s “Born in the USA!”
Or maybe a song...
No, I am wracked with anxiety that everyone in the theater will be staring at me and wondering why I couldn’t find anyone to go with. I have the same fears with eating alone.
A friend of mine bought a VW Diesel Golf. Turns out the sellers lied about the emissions or something big time. Super sketchy scenario. Whatevs. Sellers took it back.
I purchased a Buick Regal from the family of a woman who had committed suicide. It wasn’t until later, when strange smells starting surfacing in the summer heat, and a strange engine knocking, that I figured out she had committed suicide IN the car by letting it run in the garage with the windows open. The car ran…
Sedan with more storage space and slightly worse gas mileage. That’s a pretty good compromise.
I believe that color is called “WITNESS ME”.
this was your superhero origin story and you missed it. you should have gotten beat up, steeled your resolve and built a crime fighting suit out of salvaged jeep parts, gotten justice on the bad guy, and gone on to make things better for all citizens of the junkyard. now you’re just the unnamed guy being slowly driven…
Buick. They even have commercials on how people can’t find the new buick’s because they can’t believe they’re buick’s so get one that’s a couple years old.
I refuse to wish anyone happy birthday on facebook. If they’re an important enough friend they get a call or a text. If they’re not do they really care that I wish them happy birthday on social media?
And now the “Sporty Car Hoedown”, with Ryan, Colin, and Wayne. Hit it, Laura!
My neighbor bought a new car,
he was telling me all about.
He says it’s the best thing going,
Of that there is no doubt!
He says it’s really sporty,
but I don’t think I’m capricious
to be a bit irritated
when I find out it’s a Prius.
VW TDI - because this is Monopoly and you know they are going to cheat anyway.
Clarkson tackled this one, speed never killed anyone, suddenly coming to a stop is what does it.
If these neighbors were smart, they’d take these pics and put them on io9.