
When Obama got the Dem nomination, McCain released a video congratulating him on his historic nomination and saying that, regardless of party politics, he was proud of him for making history. When a woman at one of his rallies tried to slander him as a corrupt Muslim immigrant, McCain calmly refuted her and told her

I wonder what would have happened if he had chosen a normal person as VP-candidate?

I still wonder which McCain is the real one - the moderate who ran against Bush in the primaries, or the nutcase who emerged after the rise of the Tea Party.

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

Hello FedEx, UPS, Amazon, Fresh Direct, Sparky the Electrician, Sooty the Chimney Sweep and Joe the Plumber. Well, maybe not that guy. He’ll keep rolling coal in his lifted King Ranch Super Duty DuraMax 9500.

I use my e-golf the same way you use your i3. I’ll get a proper 7.2kW EVSE eventually but the prices keep coming down and I don’t need it so why not wait?

I estimate payoff on my system in 6 years.

Don’t you guys have pretty good solar incentives in California? My solar panel system (6.7KW) priced at about $25k will be completely paid for by the feds and state in about 4 more years. We have pretty good incentives up here in Washington as long as you buy panels and inverter(s) made in-state. I got the usual 30%

Where I live, wall outlet charging isn’t a good option. Because I need to restrict my charging to between 11pm and 7am, I need the car to charge quickly. My neighbor charges his leaf at work to avoid this problem.

120V charging is slow but will do the trick if you’re not traveling far on a regular basis. Plug it in while you sleep just like your phone. Most metro areas have extensive public charging networks if there’s a day you’ll need more juice faster.

My old commute was 60 miles round trip so I had a 240V outlet installed

No charging at work. I could get a much higher rate of charging if I installed a 240v “L2" charger, but I got an EV partially for economic reasons. I don’t want to pay $500 for the charger plus another $600 for professional install in the garage (that’s what I was quoted to mount the charger about three feet from the

That’s amazing.

My LEAF gets 4-miles to the kWH. Electricity around here is about $0.08 a kWh. So $2 of electricity per 100 miles of driving.

Very little, but I live in an area (Seattle) powered by hydroelectric, so it’s cheap at $0.08/kWh (one rate, no off-peak stuff here). We drive our i3 about 800-1000/mi per month, averaging 3.9mi/kWh. So the math says at most it’s $20/mo.

First gear: Where’s the surprise there? We’ve known 37,500 in an “unofficial” capacity for months now.

Breakfast Club was brutally 80's

I’d rock that in 90's attire. I’d find old cassettes of Rammstein and the Ramones and be the coolest 90's kid at the drive in. Anyone want to go watch breakfast club?

Someone needs to come up with the VQ swap for these. BMW engines are obviously trash but LS1s are played the fuck out. But I think it’s important for a BMW to have a 6 pot under the hood. With a true dual exhaust VQs sound like Porsches!

My favorite part is how he angrily exits his car, throwing his hands to the heavens as though the whole thing were an act of God.

Damn, it just spun that Ram like a top. Or a dreidel.