
I have a possible gif of the screen:

Could the Raptors flip him?


“You were never in the Colgate Cavity Patrol!”

If Hamilton is so interested in helping the working stiff, how come tickets to his Broadway show are going for like $1,000?

Cum Town

If she wants to keep things fresh, she should take a cue from Gallagher and smash baby #3 with a mallet onstage!

Crotchsnake is funny enough on its own, but the last-second handshake just slayed me.

Cause of Death: Bonks

Should have stuck to the rivers and the lakes that they used to

Apparently Marcus expected Ainge to just flop over in negotiations.

When 3/16 goes up against 2/13, you throw conventional strategies out the window.

Utahns can see he’s as pure and innocent as a Mountain Meadow. 

This guy was the most Utah Jazz player in the world a solid 2 years before they even drafted him

About a month ago, before the NBA draft, Grayson Allen sat behind me on a flight from Boston to Atlanta. After considering/rejecting a plan to trip him as he walked down the aisle (a great sacrifice on my part), I had the “pleasure” of hearing one of his phone calls.

I mean he got beat and made an obvious foul to prevent a shot. I think we’ve all played with the old guy in the gym who does this. It just so happens that this old guy in an NBA rookie. 

He doesn’t have the game to make a name.