The Jacquio

I also haven't got around to Lady Dynamite yet, while we're on the topic of dark-ish mental health-themed comedies. Between these and the "traumatic abuse survivor" angle of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, does Netflix have the market cornered on surreal comedies that double as damaged character studies?

It does all these things, and it does them extremely well, but there's something to be said for a show that can create a world so vivid and fully-realized that it succeeds in transporting you to an entirely different time and place whenever you sit down to watch it. That's where I can forgive this show's shortcomings

Just finished my rewatch of the last 2 episodes of season 2 in preparation for this season, and just, God, you guys. This show. There is just absolutely nothing else like it. I haven't watched Crazy Ex-Girlfriend or You're The Worst yet, but do they combine humor and pathos this effectively? And not just humor, but


Glad I wasn't the only one who witnessed and experienced this. What people fail to appreciate is that bullying is generally more of a psychological torture. They want to goad, provoke and taunt you into losing your cool so that YOU get blamed when it escalates. "He started it!" That is exactly what would have happened

I started Jessica Jones MONTHS ago, still have no idea when or if I'll ever get around to watching the last 2 episodes. With Stranger Things, I was done in a matter of days, and already can't wait to dive back in.

Excellent take, I agree completely. Another example of the Nancy character being more thoughtful and savvy than anyone gives her credit for.

What are your feelings about Ali Wong doing the voice of a white character in the penultimate episode of season 2?

Mad Men is GOAT get-high-and-watch.

So I ran a mock draft using my "3 Rounds" scenario (and attempting to balance things out with Raw's extra hour while throwing in more NXT call-ups), and ended up with this.

I refuse to believe anybody but Milius came up with the best dialogue in that movie: "Crush your enemies."

Man, those sound like some awesome fucking memories.

Stop, you can't be bringing nuance into this discussion. Bad things are just bad, period.

Any Given Sunday is ok, at the very least it contains the most hilarious Cameron Diaz performance this side of The Counselor. Better than nothing.

Has Oliver Stone ever made a good movie? I've seen JFK, NBK, W., Platoon and Wall Street 2 and they all sucked. He's the most mediocre "major filmmaker" I've ever seen 5 or more movies from.

Aaron Paul's delivery of "Awwwwww! Beeeeees!" in the Disneyland episode cracks me the fuck up.

Well, he CAN flow like pee coming out you-know-what

It's been two whats since what did huh, what?

God, Winona Ryder played that scene brilliantly. She's amazing at projecting strength and vulnerability in the very same moment.

Steve is a great 3-dimensional character. This show doesn't often subvert the clichés it indulges in, but this is probably its best example of that.