Hasn’t the gauntlet on the payload been broken and missing since Orisa patch? I haven’t played in a few months so not sure if it made it to live but it was on the PTR when they added the destruction at the spawn point
Hasn’t the gauntlet on the payload been broken and missing since Orisa patch? I haven’t played in a few months so not sure if it made it to live but it was on the PTR when they added the destruction at the spawn point
I also like that once again they made it seem normal and not forced pandering. It doesn’t even mention it’s her girlfriend. If you had not seen the comic or the stir it caused it could just have easily been referencing a friend or relative
If it were actually cheating and not just plugging a hole in their game that they refuse to fix I’d agree with you. People turn to these because they won’t actually add a decent feature people have been asking for it’s entire life span. Niantic blames these sites for any and all server issues and say it’s the reason…
Luckily thats going to change soon. Blizzard is going to change it so there has to be a purchased copy of overwatch on the account to play at a pc bang so they won’t just be able to spam free accounts
The issue really stems on the teleporter. It’s extremely powerful but at anything past the lowest levels it will never ever see full use and she’s not charging any ult while its down. Take away the teleporter due to most people knowing the map, the audio cue to the entire enemy team when it goes down, the shimmering…
While I’m anxiously awaiting the 3rd book of stormlight I’m inclined to say the Mistborn world would make a far better video game.
But as we know from any other team based game (mostly mobas) the lower you are the more its ‘because your team sucks’ than it is your own fault
Combined with the scope change she also won’t be able to do the instant follow up body shot that was killing 200hp characters in .3s either. You may actually get some time to react
Only spray I spent money on was the car wash spray for symmetra. Place it just inside the death arch...
I think they’re just charging more and happy to make money from it. I know the retail price for Minecraft on PS3 and PS4 jumped up about a month after the buyout (In aus it went from 24.95 - 32.95 while the 360 and XBO versions have always been 29.95