It’s not a big deal. A black bar in a photo just means you have 72 hours to find and kill all of your blood relatives or Lizzie rises from the grave to drag you, screaming, into Hell.
It’s not a big deal. A black bar in a photo just means you have 72 hours to find and kill all of your blood relatives or Lizzie rises from the grave to drag you, screaming, into Hell.
I don’t think it’s necessarily your generation that helps you see it that way (for what it is). They’re normalizing this stuff just by talking about it and being willing to try it, even if they feel silly at first and do things for laughs. If they were sticking to whatever things this author deems acceptable for them…
So according to you Bea Arthur, whom you know nothing about, was being a passive aggressive bitch, because since you don’t have a sense of humor no one else should, but Winifred Hervey shouldn’t have been upset about it?
This woman telling the story LOVED HER she is telling the story ENDEARINGLY. Who are you to tell her she should be upset/angry about this interaction that she LOVED? How do you know more about their dynamic than she does?
I implore you to watch a Golden Girls marathon and bring yourself up to date on the genius that is that show. Bea Arthur was a national treasure. It also might help you with the removal of the giant stick you seem to have up your ass.
Yea, this blogger is definitely under 30. 3 paragraphs of hipster self flagellation, and one paragraph sort of why he dislikes it beyond that it’s ‘corny’.
I don’t think people understand that they probably aren’t the target market for this show.
I just finished watching it, and I liked it as well. I don’t think it’s particularly great, but I didn’t go into watching it expecting Mad Men. Granted, it gets a little precious and self-reflexive at times, but it’s still better than some of the Brady spin-offs (The Bradys comes to mind).
But you’re trying to apply rationality to something that isn’t intended to be rational. It’s fine, you’re allowed to not like the show. I am sorry if I appear to be trying to take that agency away. But this show knows what it’s doing. It pokes fun at itself. It doesn’t even take itself seriously. So why is everyone…
Look they have ruined most of my childhood with these ridiculous reboots. I agree.
I loved it. I loved every second of camp, cheese, and corn it offered... which was all of them.
I am not looking for any extra praise or anything, but do you realize how freaking time consuming kids are? This comment section is a big bitch fest. Get over yourselves. Every decision in life doesn’t need to be analyzed to death. I had kids - parts of my life changed dramatically. It’s the same when I waffle about…
so you think a reboot of a family sitcom is ruining everything?
I don’t know. I feel like I have always know how silly and ridiculous the show was even when i was a child. But I loved it anyways because as a friend says in his comment, sometimes you just want stupid dumb humor that is predictable. And, the nice thing, the show knows why people like it, and doesn’t take itself too…
Or it could be they are trying to also develop relationships for their kids. Not everyone pines for single, childless lives.
This. I love how cheesy it is. I love that they KNOW it is cheesy and don’t hide it. My favorite thing is the way John Stamos seems to smirk when he knows something is extra cheesy.
I don’t get it people who are writing elaborated critiques like the show had ANY nuance back in the day, like it was Seinfeld or Curb.
It’s just a whitebread corny family sitcom guys. It’s never any good. It has never been any good.
Man... People have some real issues with expectations.
The thing that Rich and most critics don’t get is this is exactly what people that grew up with Full House wanted. We wanted stupid, dumb, predictable humor and we got it in spades. We wanted it to feel like an 80's-to-early-90's sitcom and that is EXACTLY what we got. There is no other laugh-tracked sitcom on tv…
What she did was horrible. I have little doubt that if a woman was harassed into suicide by a man, we’d see very different and less sympathetic coverage at jezebel.
Your coworker is not a “super smart guy.”