The Intimate Werebear

sigh. fine. I’ll do it.

I know you’re being deliberately obtuse, but you are way off point. Is extreme, pointless brand loyalty part of being a Kinja community?

I don’t bring it up in my comments, but every time I navigate here it bothers me. Because this is garbage.

We already had a community, and the Kinja switchover drove half of it away.

He should spend all that Amazon money buying AV Club so we can go back to being a website and not whatever the hell this is.

GoT discussion is one of the things that made AV Club great. The pre-Kinja GoT reviews usually get 1000 posts within 12 hours. We aren’t even at 100 replies yet and this comment format is unnavigable. Good luck finding people to talk to when (if) those other 900 posts show up. (Yes, I’m aware of the Chrome

Kinja is stupid. The end.

And there’ll be Red Wedding after Red Wedding after Red Wedding

What if Bran were the Night King?

Why can’t websites start going retro? Grey backgrounds, bulleted lists of things. Links that are blue and then go purple when you’ve clicked them. It had a charm!

They replaced a functioning website, with a blog.

I appreciate you patting my head and telling me it’s going to be okay, AVClub, but we both know that’s a dirty lie. Look around you!

“If it’s a legitimate meme, the host body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Oh wait, all these years I’ve been posting on the AV Club I was supposed to have been interacting with the ARTICLE? Why didn’t somebody tell me? Aw I’ve been making an idiot out of myself!

I feel it’s more like someone took a library, threw out the card catalog, and then just laid all the books and magazines in a long row in the order they were added instead of grouped by any sort of category.

taking a beloved property and giving it a splashy makeover that renders it nigh-unrecognizable, all in the patently desperate hope to appeal to a new audience and extend its lifespan.

Love the new site!

So the very first story published after the switch to Kinja begins with:

I’m way more disappointed in the way kinja buries features and reviews than in the comment system.

Nice tongue-in-cheek headline there, folks.