“I get the feeling you just don’t like her?”
“I get the feeling you just don’t like her?”
Fair point
They are Lucy, Charlie, and the football at this point.
“Yeah, we love not getting paid and even working for free!” said no one ever.
Seriously. Thank you.
it’s funny cause when people say she’s old, i’m always shocked. i had no idea she was 69. IMO, she looks younger than that. i think that bodes well for her. but yes, when you’re already considered old, you don’t pick someone OLDER to secede you. the fuck?
Go fuck yourself. Seriously. It is a huge accomplishment.
Hell, that’s my question as well.
“Don’t get me wrong, Elizabeth Warren is an idiot without the ability or substantive policy to govern a local PTA let alone the country”
I think if she sticks to policy and putting dollars in middle class American pockets, people will forget the whole thing. She just needs to stick to policy. She doesn’t need to engage Trump on that level again.
agreed. they are two sides of the same coin, except i’d give the edge to warren because she gets shit done. the only thing that would do is placate the sexist assholes, IMO.
Chris Evans is considered an attractive and charming white person who loves America, but I sure as fuck wouldn’t ask him to lead us anywhere.
Ain’t nobody gonna read all that nonsense.
no, it’s “is.”