The Intersectional Feminist part dos

Excellent use of quotations

Simone Biles even blushed at the level of gymnastics that took.

THANK YOU! He was asked to apologize, refused, quit, and then apologized. WTF?

Where I think the waste exists is on why types of professors we have. Art and music and philosophy are noble causes, I just think those should be club activities, not majors. People can become well rounded outside of publicly funded universities. I’m of the opinion (of which some will obviously disagree) that the cost

Dead. Just dead.



I can’t go on living after this.


Seriously. It’s not a working -class Irish haven anymore

I am 💀💀💀💀

I certainly hope you’re not putting me in that category. I’m simply saying that this is a fear I have, which is why I don’t do it. I am not blaming her at all. It’s honorable to have a kind heart. It just sucks that she’s no longer here to share it with others.

Funds were donated to charity, and they were substantial. The intern made between $50-$100 an hour by begging. If one did that four hours a day, Monday - Friday, that’s $50,000 - $100,000 a year, tax-free.

it makes it so much more insulting, lol

LMAO. More stars for you.

Somewhere between 3 and 17 would be nice, lol.

Exactly. A sizable amount of our homeless population has mental problems as well, and I know that statistically they are more likely to harm themselves than anyone else. For the record, I also suffer from MI. However, why take that chance?

That’s why I’m breaking out the wine early. I can’t go through this again.

This may make me sound like a terrible person, but this is why I don’t give money to people who walk up to cars in the middle of the road or even when I see someone sitting on the street. You don’t know if that person has a weapon. It’s extremely dangerous to pull out money like that to someone you don’t know. For

But shouldn’t she have the opportunity to defend or explain her actions in the primary? That’s what I’m talking about when I say people are prematurely saying no to everyone; every one deserves an opportunity to be questioned by the public and defend themselves. Let’s give her that IMO.