Yeah, that’s about 50 different kinds of fucked up. Shitty.
Yeah, that’s about 50 different kinds of fucked up. Shitty.
Woman realized her position is a dead end. She expects Graham to be the new AG, and she wants his senate seat. Obvious move is obvious.
Wow. Really enlightening. @@
MS is a true hellhole.
Yeah, I know Maine is mostly white, but from my many Maine friends, a LOT of Maine people are angry as fuck.
Where is the lie?
Heh. Well done.
Indeed. I admire her restraint not to strangle each member of the jury.
Go fuck yourself
The Sunken Place is real.
No need for Halloween. This story is horrifying enough.
How does he manage to walk without a spine?
“When Dems take back power, they could easily add a half dozen new justices to drown out Trunp’s appointments, but that would require a spine.”
I must say, there’s nothing like seeing the President of the United States making fun of you on national television. It’s a story for the grandchildren.
Right?? Like, how do you have the majority in both houses of Congress and still manage to get fuck all done????
You are 100% correct. I actually do think a constitutional convention is needed, but I will only allow it once state representation leans heavily towards Democrat. Right now, too many states have Republican-controlled legislatures. You need 2/3s of the states to call a convention.
uh, WTF?