The Intersectional Feminist part dos

Alabama > OSU any day of the damn week

Go fuck yourself.

LMAO. Had the same thought.

My family and I used to run at the park right in front of Spain Park. I’m not surprised at all.


Now, let’s not leave Limewire out of this.

I LOL’d at that one. So true.

Erm, keep in mind that millennials are 25-40 years old.

THIS. It’s a huge fucking scam.

We’re not worthy.

Mommy is coming!!

The woman also told Merritt that after the gunshots she heard a man’s voice say “Oh my god. Why did you do that?”


Why are you continually caping for shitty people? I saw you over there at Jez in that Norm MacDonald article. Stop.


Savage! Lmao 

I’m so confused because the apartment was supposedly dark, but she noticed pictures of the guy’s family??

OMG Laurie Beth Denberg. I am deceased. Also, I appreciate reminders from my childhood. Yay gen Y

IT IS SO BAFFLING. My mind can’t comprehend it!!

Uh, no. It’s not. If you can’t see what you’re aiming at, then you shouldn’t be fucking shooting.