Because you know Serena so well, right?
Because you know Serena so well, right?
Go fuck yourself
She’s a queen, and we must bow down to her.
If the film secures a Best Picture nomination, it would be the first superhero film to ever receive one.
Because she still looks 15???
Aw, I loved Belle.
This story angers me so much. The asshole who took his picture has no idea how hard it is to be an actor. Also, Geoffrey is 100% right that he’s had a career that 99% of actors would kill for. I know I certainly would. How dare she.
I’m a huge Alabama/Saban fan, but I thought he was a huge dick for how he answered this question. He needed to apologize.
You have killed me a day before my birthday, but I ain’t mad.
Yeah, see no one agrees with you, and nobody has time for a Johnny-come-lately to the conversation. Bye, Felicia.
I don’t know what jumped up your ass, but you need to fish it out now. Also, why are you starring out the word “ass”? Does the “a” on your keyboard not work?
I do not need 500 comments about something that I know I’m right about. Thanks.
Please do not tell me, a grown ass adult, what to do.
Huh? I am not white. WTH? This probably the most baffling assumption I’ve seen on the Internet.
Actress Cicely Tyson recited Paul Lawrence Dunbar.
Jasper Williams can kiss one hundred percent of my black ass. What he did was so disrespectful, and as many said on Twitter, he is the reason many Xennials and Millenials no longer attend church. Had I heard that at my church? I would’ve walked out during the sermon.
Roll Tide!!
I laughed out loud at that part. Get real.