
It’s her half-sibling’s mother (not her own) who is Jewish. It doesn’t even work by Nuremberg standards. It’s fine for her to admire the culture from afar, to consider converting or just casually learning the texts, but to just completely ignore all of the religious and ethnic implications of adopting a casual and

I’m kind of just whatever about archaic religious arguing; COMPLETELY forgot about the catholic/protestant thing when I wrote that. Whoops, sorry. WASPs has just sort of generalized to “northern East Coast white people” in my head I think.

THANK YOU! I thought I was losing my mind when I was reading this and then NO ONE in the comments made any mention of how casually she just appropriates being “Jew-ish”? (Nice joke by the way, learn that one at schul?) I mean, your dad took a Yiddish class in college so he could bone Jewish girls? Great! Your father’s