The Intense Man

Yeah just little bits of personality that added to the whole thing. Sharing a hometown with Jon, I was really happy to see him nod to Lawrence on the globe at the beginning:

The A.V. Club?

Segel is really good in it, but it's also a sort of intense, understated performance that will probably be overshadowed by some showier ones later in the year. Award-worthy or not, he's great, and that made me really happy.

They actually discuss it in the movie

And maybe BoJack's so nervous about Jill Pill because they're gonna get Amy Poehler to voice her. The tension is real.

Yeah that was the movie that made me really like her a lot too

Yeah, I like how she basically finds him aesthetically pleasing more than anything. Just the way you find a cat cute or something.

It's weird. Until the reviews for this movie came out, it didn't seem to me people loved Up as much as they apparently do now. I remember liking it, not loving it, when I saw it (and I only remember those famous few minutes vividly), and I remember most people feeling the same way. I guess I should give it another

Yeah, me too. Screw these other commenters. Hear that? SCREW YOU ALL!!

I'm only just now getting my hearing back since he's been gone

This is like the time last year that I looked down at a bag of pretzels to find the brand was "Snyder's" and not "Synder's," which I had thought all my life. What really freaked me out is that I'd been saying Synder's all this time and no one ever corrected me. It was like the lowest stakes conspiracy ever

Aren't all new cop shows "Frankenstein cop shows" in that they are made up from parts of other, better cop shows?

Yeah something about the mix of the black screen, the dense lines of missile trails and the white dots of the explosions is pretty terrifying. I remember it really disturbing me when I was a kid seeing the movie for the first time.


Now that part of Big Daddy with Sandler freaks out that he can't get food for the kid will seem dated and dumb!

"Wes Anderson parody looks just how you'd think it would"

I just get this vibe from a lot of the parodies that they think they're being really clever, but there's one of these videos every month making the same basic jokes. At least this one didn't just like stick a Tenenbaum in there, so this is already better than most of them.

Hahaha this fucking owns

Yeah, to be honest, these episodes tonight made me wonder why they wasted half the season doing the Gryzzl arc because so far it's amounted to nothing at all. Instead, now they had to squeeze Tom and Lucy's entire relationship and proposal into a couple episodes and sorta rush all the goodbyes when they could have