The Intense Man

Yeah, that second episode was an exemplary way to start closing down the series. Most shows tend to overwrite scenes like the one where Ron confesses to Leslie, but a line like "I was gonna ask you for work from the federal government" (or whatever it was) has so much accumulated power built up over the years we've

Yeah, I mean, again I like "Fancy Party" a lot. It's one of the better ones of that season for sure. But I'm just surprised to see it on this list among others—it just seems like sort of an odd choice.

I mean, it's just a quibble for me. I just hope they don't continue to go down that road, because it's only two years, not seven or even five.

Utter implausibility is not the reason I think Parks and Rec (or its world) works as a show though

I like "Fancy Party" a lot, but in a season with, like, "Harvest Festival" or a bunch of others, I've never quite understood its stature among some people.

Seeing the attorney move his arm and wave each slide over in the Powerpoint was futuristic in a nice, realistic way. But the tablets were so insanely different in technology and style that it just struck me as goofy—this is supposed to be taking place TWO years from now. Two years ago, we had the iPad 3S, now we have

Fast forward to 2020 when someone makes a list of TV's Greatest Unanswered Questions, and we see "Did Kevin's daughter's friend really want to fuck him or not?"

BonerTime is PISSED!

It's Franklin, we just say Franklin.

I think there are plenty of people now who favor MM. I love both games immensely, but as I got older, I started to prefer Majora.

I'll have to see it in-game to make my final decision. The reason I like the Moon on the N64 version is that it looks both terrifying and scared. It's a threat to the world, but it's also being summoned against its will to destroy the planet—the Moon's Tear it sheds seems to confirm that for me. So as long as it still

Yeah! It's well worth watching. I gets better as it goes a long too, so I've been waiting for the wrap-up special for a while.

I think it would have made a fine addition to Amnesiac based on how strong it is, and yeah, I also recall it was a last-minute cut. But I can see why they left it off, considering it doesn't sound as sullen as the rest of the record, even if the lyrics say otherwise.

I know he said something similar about "Street Spirit." Something like how he felt the song came to him from a really terrifying muse, like looking at the devil, so he didn't like to perform it really, but it had to be written.

Cuttooth is super underrated, but it's a B-side, so I understand why

Yeah, that's my current favorite track off The Bends, and the way the final chorus bursts out of the solo is really one of the band's best moments.

*slide whistle*

Going by the above picture, it's fascinating to see Martin Starr apparently slowly transform into Stephen Merchant

I think they broke up a few years ago, but clearly that reunion clock is ticking louder and louder

I'd heartily recommend his other work. His series of three short films—"Everything Will Be OK," "I'm So Proud of You" and "It's Such a Beautiful Day"—-were cut together to make a feature a couple years ago, and it's one of my favorite films.