The Intense Man

This was my favorite Al song when I was 13, and my friends and I listened to it recently, and we couldn't believe how many of the lyrics we still remembered. It's great.

Oh yeah! The Pam art school stuff is really dumb. None of it ends up going anywhere—just something vague to test Jim and Pam's relationship, when it really should be about Pam's development as a character. Then all of it is swept under the table.

The Quesarito is actually really good. I was happy with it. Also, when are people finally gonna find a new spin on the "fast food is barely edible!" joke

I always liked how they would slowly plant seeds that Jim wasn't the perfect guy he seemed to be in the first couple seasons. That he could be boring and petty and mean. I remember when Jim was planning to go on a trip to avoid Pam's then-wedding, Ryan had this talking head that said, "Jim brings the same ham and

Yeah, because what could you possibly say after such a brutal three-sentence confession? Clearly, that guy just really wants to talk to someone about it, since he just opened up to Nathan so readily.

Yeah I would have to look at them again, but I think there are plenty of hourlong ones I like in that season. It's a really solid season overall really.

Jim was also gonna ditch Pam at the party at the beginning too.

Yeah, it's seriously one of the best episode, let alone season, ends I can think of.

I have to rewatch Season 5, because I remember everything being only okay until the Michael Scott Paper Company arc, which is only 4 or 5 episodes long. I just remember a lot of annoying stuff with Crazy Jan and Andy and Dwight fighting.

I thought it was something they planned on ahead of time because of the abbreviated schedule, but I don't know. I just remember it came back after the strike with "Dinner Party," so that's just great.

Yeah, and Season 4, which, a few bits aside, is a vastly underrated season, since it was in the middle of the WGA strike and had weird hour long episodes because of that

This movie is so damn good—I was fortunate enough to see it at the Boston Independent Film Festival, and I think I was tearing up in the first few minutes. Of course, I'm already a big fan of Linklater's approach AND films with sweeping ambition, so it was already perfectly tailored for me. But even still, with all

Or maybe he searches for smut on Dailymotion or Mediabistro or any of the other Youtubes with a red light district.

I'm pretty sure we all imagined that. I think that's the only possible thing you can imagine when the words "Connecticut Porhubs" are read.

You can't fucking tell me Sean O'Neal doesn't look at a LITTLE Pornhub at work.

Also, please go back to calling my generation Gen Y. I don't know why you guys started calling us Millenials, but I really want it to stop—-so much so that a phoned-in label like "Gen Y" is somehow preferable.

Did you mean "The Simpsons: Whacking Day"? (0 Results)

I mean, usually with shows that people are generally apathetic towards I don't get why people love them, but I'm guessing there has to be something to this show since it caused you to write like 50 comments about it.

Fantastic headline! You know that O'Neal…always serving up classics!

I have an AOL one….I made it when I was 8, why would I change it?