The Intense Man

Never mind about the "Community notification" thing being ironic anymore!

Yeah, it was a strange mish-mash of tones and styles, but I really enjoyed it. It had bits that could be a little silly (like that spin-the-phone "burn" command) or overwrought, but I think it set up its world really well. Really interested in the idea of a quasi-maybe post-apocalyptic world where nothing is really

The score is by Max Richter. But not all of it was written for the show—one of the recurring themes, for instance, is "Vladimir's Blues" from his excellent 2004 album, The Blue Notebooks:…

I bet the day you leave, you'll find out that Community is coming back, and you'll be kicking yourself.

The voice of the Very Tall Man is the same exact voice I use when I'm impersonating what I think a dog sounds like.

I've heard of hellish bus stops, but this is ridiculous!

They DID make a Schweddy Balls flavor a couple years ago. So somehow this is already in their wheelhouse.

No….really, can I use this chair?

Doesn't matter, I'm still doing it.

Bulc V.A. Eht

Alt A: Because he can't write something that has fewer than 140 characters.

Mine's just gonna be a loop of "Yakety Sax"

Having gone to Boston University and still live in the area, you just generally hear that echo around the city. If Bill ever made that toast, it would just be another voice lost to the college douchebag ether.

Oh yeah, there are plenty of great songs, but I meant albums. I love all those and "The Hindu Times," "Songbird," "The Shock Of The Lightning," and "The Importance of Being Idle," but, like, I rarely, if ever, listen to Heathen Chemistry or whatever in its entirety.

Except for the relatively small collection of people who think Be Here Now is invaluable, I don't think anyone would disagree with you that those three are the best. Does anyone think anything in their late catalog is their best?

Just to get the inevitable NBC Thursday votes in (and I'm NOT looking down at the further comments to see that someone already did this because I don't feel like it), I'll nominate Parks' "Moving Up" and Community's "Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality"

Yeah, I'm also really big on "Columbia." You sorta forget that they could do really great psych jams once

Yeah, it's definitely overrated, but it's still a really good closing track, appropriately epic. I always wished the title track was big here.

Generally I find that most of my friends (and, indeed, most Americans) who dismiss Oasis really easily only have heard "Wonderwall" and "Champagne Supernova." And, while those are two very good songs, they are overplayed like hell over here, and it's easy to see why people stick such an uncool label on them. But, if

It's also partly that, back then, there was simply less subversive comedy on TV than there is today, let alone the Internet, so it just doesn't seem as cutting-edge.