The Intense Man

The exact quote escapes me, but the funniest Mark moment is when he's at the dinner party at Leslie's house, and he wants to tell an interesting story, so he tells this story about a kid he used to know and acts like it's about himself, and then it cuts to a talking head where he's like "Well, he's never gonna tell

Yeah. After S5's "everyone gets everything!" plot threads, a bunch of stuff at least goes wrong again in S6. It's definitely just an aging sitcom that's settling down. It's worth nothing that is was also a show that kept fearing cancellation, so it's had a rough go of long-term plotting the last couple years. It's

Yeah. I mean there's a handful of reasons I could go into for why I don't think the show is essential anymore (though it's still solid, enjoyable viewing), but I think that's the main reason it doesn't work for me like it did at its peak. There's little sense these are real people anymore, so I don't care a whole lot

Yeah I remember thinking how weird the boyfriend box thing was. Maybe there is this secret deleted scene where they find out if they say his name three times he will appear and point out red tape and bureaucracy and slow down the Leslie train.

Though I rather have Ben than Mark any day obviously.

I wonder how early on Paul Schneider decided to leave, because it makes me think that maybe Ben was brought in because they knew Mark was leaving? Probably wrong about that, but it's really easy to draw that line given how close in perspective those characters could be at that time.

Oh yeah, to clarify, I mean the show hit its stride during the second and third seasons, not that he left before then. But I mean, he clearly wanted to leave just as the show's quality picked up, and that's a shame.

I, for one, liked Mark on Parks, and think he gets an unfair rap. Some people say the show got better once he left, but he just happened to leave as the show was hitting its stride (the entire second and third seasons). I mean, he wasn't the best character on the show, but his bored, cynical, stuck-in-a-rut attitude

Hey, hey, now that we've looked at that picture…do you happen to have the TIME?

Honestly, now it's been a while since I've seen it, but I really liked Burton's Wonka and Depp's performance in it (except for the new Oompa Loompa songs. Does anyone like those?)

I kept thinking I was missing something, because it just made zero sense.

Yeah, I don't think the scene worked on almost any level, but if they deal with it responsibly and intelligently, then maybe we'll get at least something out of it. But, based on all these reactions, I just can't see that happening, and it's just always gonna bother me like Daenerys falling in love with Khal Drago two

Tobey Maguire IS Skull Kid

My first highlight on Keyboard Geniuses——-I don't know who to thank. I'm a little choked up at the moment. Uh…..Majora's Mask rules!

Episode: B+
Season: B+

I honestly think Season 5 was around Season 3's quality (I like Season 3 a good amount) until the last couple episodes dropped it slightly below for me. Which means to say that I would, too, give Season 5 a B+, while giving Season 3 an A-.

I haven't played it before, but I know what I'll play this weekend. That sounds real interesting/right up my alley. Also sounds like the kind of game that I'll like a lot but when I show it to my friends, they won't be as enthusiastic as me, like with Gone Home and The Stanley Parable last year. Thanks!

You learned a lesson from this game too while on those family trips. You learned not to be a THIEF if you stole from that store like a THIEF, because if you went back in the man would kill you like the THIEF you are and everyone would call you THIEF for the rest of the game in big capital letters, branding you for

Majora's Mask is my favorite one too because it's a deeply sad and human game. Just seeing how each person in Clock Town copes with the end of the world, knowing that they can't really escape, is very touching. At the risk of sounding like a tool, it's sort of like an N64 take on Camus' The Plague, in which loads of

"I have long been a wealthy man, but this is the first time in my life that I've ever felt…rich." *hugs the Pin Pals*