The Intense Man

I'll stick up for at least seasons 9 and 10. Maybe not classic seasons through and through—a lot of the sharp edge started to dull around then—but it could still be really damn funny. Case in point: "Homer To The Max" is about as dumb and fluffy a premise as the show ever did (changing your name to something silly

We Love Life is also insanely underrated. It has a different feel than most prime Pulp, but it's nearly as brilliant as their best albums.


I like it. Not their best, but it's certainly a catchy and sorta sad song that works well in the context of The Great Escape


Sheezy reupholstered my boner

As soon as that amendment is signed though, you know Dads is gonna win, even if it's been cancelled.

Has anyone else noticed that this guy appears in most, if not all, episodes so far, sometimes in the background, sometimes having a line?

8.1 is a lil better, but it's not like they got rid of the weird tablet-y Start menu or the fact you have to search for programs not pinned to your Start menu. But I don't know…I miss 7, I guess, but I'm used to 8 at this point, so I don't care that much.

Yeah, the vibe I got from everyone was that they knew he was somewhere around that age, so it wasn't that big a deal. I loved how Abed joked he was 37 like he is actually much younger, though Danny Pudi is 35.

Makes me hopeful that I can be just that sexy and attract women like Gillian Jacobs and Alison Brie at age 40.


Yeah it was definitely doing something right, seeing as how I watched all of it and sort of want it to get renewed. But I don't feel comfortable saying it was a good show by any means

It's not good, yet it can be perversely enjoyable, both because it has a decent cast and fun vibe, but also because it was so unintentionally absurd that it could be very entertaining.

I'm hoping this is like a way better version of Amazon's Betas, which tried to be a mix of The Social Network and Entourage, but had some of the dumbest writing.

I'm shocked Kyle hasn't brought a Crippled Rejex music video to SNL yet

Yeah, but it's actually a bit of a tradition that Parks and Recreation's seasons end with a concert. Season 1's had Mouse Rat doing "The Pit." Season 2 had Freddy Spaghetti and Season 3 had the Lil Sebastian thing. (The last two seasons are the only two to buck the trend)

Bouncing from Hostages to The Following, I just feel so bad for you Sonia.

Not to mention that, from a comedy writing standpoint, it just limits your storylines with a done-a-million-times subplot. There's something to be said about making all-consuming, unrequited love sympathetic (and even funny), because it's a universal experience, but portrayed like that,it's just boring at best. I'm