
Dammit. First the guy up thread brings up Pho and now you’re starting in with the Chex Mix. Howzabout someone just start in with the Trapper Joe’s Organic Cornchips, while we’re at it?

Yeah, those filthy Vietnamese with their delicious banh mi and their heavenly pho, they oughta...

I can speak to this because I lost my first baby to SIDS at 3 1/2 months in 1976. Back then, you always put your baby to sleep on his/her stomach so they wouldn’t strangle on vomit. My baby was with a babysitter; I had gone back to work 2 weeks before she died. I don’t know if she was lying on her back or stomach. I

It definitely doesn’t seem like my cup of tea, but losing a child is something so awful that I can’t bring myself to judge anything that might bring comfort.

Stop. sleeping. with. your students. period. How is this hard????? You should not sleep with people you are teaching and/or have substantial power over. I get it your students are hot 0r whatever. You are a grown ass adult and know better. Stop sleeping with your damn students*

*note: this message is for all teachers,

Judge Judy deserves to win only because she's gone this long dealing with the absolutely stupidest people every day. I'm amazed she doesn't get down off the bench and crush their skulls with her gavel.

One of things I hope for most dearly is that the death penalty will be abolished in my lifetime. Not the feckless, useless, piecemeal state by state abolition, but the federal government actually stepping up and saying no more. I hate this shit. It’s WRONG.

You’re headquartered in New York, where there is a French colonial themed restaurant named Le Colonial. It’s been there for years. Never a word.

Fuck them. My kids weren’t potty trained until they were 3- including the girl who was in cloth diapers. I wasn’t interested in spending my life taking an 18 month old to the toilet every 5 minutes. I figured that they wouldn’t be walking down the aisle in a diaper.

see. we have the opposite problem. She still has accidents here and there. My stepson didnt fully potty train until about 4... so that’s what I expected. and even at two, she still doesnt have the dexterity to pull her pants down, pull them up, etc... so im involved at every bathroom break.

One day, at 15 mos, she

Even if you’re not planning on using cloth diapers, go ahead and get a pack. If you have a washing machine, it’s a life-saver when you realize at 2 in the morning that you didn’t have that second box in storage after all. Plus, they’re great multitaskers.

Now playing

Here, have one of the greatest videos ever to grace the Internet:

no, what I am saying is... is that cost saving IS an important aspect of cloth diapering with CAVEATS. I am saying that it is not THE answer to being poor and solving the diaper issue, I am saying it IS a answer. there are many more answers that would work better given someone’s circumstance.

Saying that cost savings

when you have $20 in the bank, and you need paper towels, you are going to buy the cheapest ones even if they are a bad deal rather than blow all your money on paper towels to last you a long time.

People have no fucking clue how expensive it is to be poor. It’s something that needs a lot of education for people to understand how difficult it is to get out of poverty.

I am now firmly an atheist, but one of the things I really liked about my old church (Catholic) was that they would regularly do “baby showers” for young, single, or just struggling mothers (they would be put in contact through civil programs). Someone would donate a crib, and it would sit at the front of the Church

It’s legacy time!

I’m reminded of the roommate who said carpet was so much cleaner than hard wood. No!!! It’s just harder to see and remove the dirt.

Equally horrific is the fully carpeted kitchen in the house my coworker bought. Who thinks a carpet in there is good idea? Dining area is one thing, but next to your stove and prep area is ridiculous.

Whoever got the idea to put carpeting in the bathroom? Our place came with carpet in the kitchen, too- another thing that makes absolutely no sense.