
I would not call this heroic. I would call it foolish, OctoMom-level stuff.

Yeah, I’ve often come in early, left late, worked for an “underling.” Since my job is largely stationary and theirs are on the floor, I’ve even let them park their kids in my office, where I’d get them to start their homework and wait for dad/grandma/babysitter to pick them up. Last week, I had a mildly ill kid (sent

Ha! My mother is finishing a medical degree, she is in her 60s. In her last term she came down with double pneumonia and highly contagious viral pink eye. Her shitty clinical manager made her come in to take a final and treat patients anyway, and threatened to kick her out of the program if she didn’t come in.

So my

Your step-father is an inspiration.

If you understood the byzantine social life/stratification of the South/West, this would make sense to you. As a black woman of a certain financial class from Birmingham, there are plenty of people I “know of” because my family has some kinda relationship with their family, and about whom I could make some spot-on

Although I had top .1 % SAT scores, I had been disaffected and despondent during my senior year of high school, and my grades showed it. I was told at Berkeley that I “had” to go the junior college route in order to be considered for admission. I am white BTW. I spent nearly two years at the “old” Merritt on Grove

I want kitchenette to rise from the grave...

Of course we still have it good. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to be misogynistic toward white women. Just like it’s not acceptable, for example, to be racist toward black men because they have male privilege. And remember that “white women” includes women who are queer and trans, who are poor, who are immigrants, who

That’s not completely true though. So the dudes that get time off also expelled a baby from their body? People that adopted also somehow managed to expel a baby from their body? No. It’s an allowance for creating a new family and dealing with that. It’s a chance to spend some time on something you find to be important

That damage to your home is the part that bothered me the most; when they decided that my car was too difficult to steal, they then began to damage it out frustration that they weren’t getting their way.
That’s pretty much where I can accept my anger toward full blown thieves; it’s bad enough that they’re so selfish

Absolute horseshit. It is ABSOLUTELY NOT the responsibility of the state to make up for bad parenting. 16 is absolutely old enough to be expected to be responsible for one’s actions. they are not 6. Not 50 years ago they would have been 2 years away from being old enough to go to war and have families. Stop coddling

Damn. 3 less future rocket surgeons. How will the world ever go along without them.

And to add, you don’t enter into water, especially with the intent to submerge, where there is no visibility. Extremely dangerous.

The justice system is not here to serve them, it’s there to serve justice. Whatever justice they received for their previous crimes was likely warranted, and is also utterly irrelevant here, since they didnt live to face justice for this car theft.

By the sound if it they fucked a lot of things without putting a ring on it. But please, tell me more Taco Bell Employee Deadbeat Parent.

Yes, “society” failed them.

Yeah, because they wouldn’t be out stealing cars and running from the police in the first place.

If Susie, Kateland, and Madison were in that car and it hit the bottom of that pond, they’d be in the morgue just as certainly.

Yeah. The family is looking for a payday is what the local news is reporting. The three girls have rapsheets and were no angels. Don't run from the cops in a STOLEN car. They would still be here.

It's relevant when a family is trying to smear the police department and their deaths were in the commission of a crime.