Anne of Leaves

Worf, the president? Over my dead Bacco! :)

Well, somebody's gonna have to loan me Billy Mumy's toy telephone from that Twilight Zone episode, because all my grandparents are dead. Hell, two of them died before Carter left office.

Then she should get her revenge via the Robonic Stooges.

You were good as married in your mind, but married in your mind's no good?

"What you call muted trumpet, Rambo calls speech."

He's got sunshine in a bag (that's made out of his security blanket).

Once It's Spread Into Your Cerebral Spinal Fluid, It's Pretty Much Everywhere and There's Not A Lot We Can Do, But Go Ahead and Try that Fakey Psychic Surgery Where A Guy Pretends to Pull A Chicken Gizzard from Inside Your Body, Charlie Brown

It's Called A "Love Hotel," Charlie Brown.

For the love of God, Montresor, just keep the cast as far away from Westview, Ohio as possible!

But nobody ever saw him there because he was always hidden behind the Tralfamadorians' night canopy.

Or "Beat on the Brat."

A reanimated Richard Farnsworth?

You are a near-death Laurence Harvey, and I claim my £5!

It's like a blook, only it has less fun.

No, that's Walter Bishop, television's greatest scientist.

Classic O'Reilly quotes like "Say baby, put down that (crack) pipe and get my pipe up."

It's the future and Jason Mantzoukas still hasn't inherited the show (to say nothing of the widow Kulap)? What dark sorcery is this?

He's reverse King Kunta, or something.

Quick, bake that upsetting, breathing pie and pass that curse back to someone else!

Spenser is for hire, after all.