"In this economy?" - Tina Belcher
"In this economy?" - Tina Belcher
But what if the general public still has trouble acknowledging Crow as a sexual being?
They recorded it and everything, but the master tapes fell into a nearby liquidizer.
No Husker Du? No Nation of Ulysses reunion tour? And The Minutemen are right out, unfortunately.
What was David Coverdale to do?
Here's hoping this album Catches Fire. On the charts, that is.
It makes me wanna pull the stars from the sky. And then reassemble them into Romeo, but that last bit may be unconnected.
But he vexed those Micronauts mightily! Arcturus Rann was not amused.
Turns out that, to make that kind of money as a spammer, you've got to go swimming in the dirty water, swimming where the fish won't go.
Heaven knows that's good (news) for my soul, believe me.
Yeah, it was sort of misleading on my part, but it's such a goofy picture that it sticks in one's memory regardless.
It is such a hassle tracking down episodes of that show! I used to catch sporadic airings of it on USA back in the day, and remember it as being entertainingly bad. There are bits and pieces of it online that tend to reinforce that impression, and the show has an interesting production history, from what I've read.
Some remnants of the initial version made it into one of the Buffy Season Eight relaunch issues, didn't it?
And the original teaser footage is still on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Aren't there any grinning death's heads or double lightning bolt emojis, 'cause they could probably be sprinkled in there somewhere, too.
(It's not a Godwin situation anymore, now that Stormfront has openly endorsed Trump.)
It's so the trainee jedi can kill Goliath the Consensus Builder.
Well, there's always that red leather outfit with the thigh-highs from that Rolling Stone issue.
Not to be confused with a 90s Afghan Whigs album that never hurt anybody.
That lunar interior has gotten so built up, it's hard to remember when a simple base on the surface was just a crazy election year dream.
Like that Halloween when Alyson Hannigan dressed up like Tigger?
*nearly decapitates stuntman with flying cymbal*