Anne of Leaves

Those were reassuring bits. It mitigated some of my worry that the move to The Late Show would mean for Stephen what it did for Dave - a severe toning down of the comedy to appeal to a broader base/network audience/be more like Johnny.
As a fan of Letterman from nearly the beginning of Late Night, Dave's Late Show

Fallon seems like a legitimately nice guy, I just don't find him especially funny or a good interviewer. Too much of his show just reminds me of Letterman's "Hal Gurnee's Network Time Killers" bits from during the early 90s writers' strike.

Which is in part because many of our Democratic representatives (as well as Obama and both Clintons) are neoliberals that are basically Republicans in Democratic drag. In a USA that hasn't had it's politics shifted so far to the right, they'd be open members of the Republican party and today's John Birch Society-esque

Like Larry David's hair back when he was on Fridays!

Johnny Cab was one of the Tri-Lambs founders, after all.

Mine did: it was a 70-30 split between post-accident Monty Clift and late period Judy Garland.

Would also have accepted Dr. Lucien Sanchez.

It's a "Where's Poppa?" remake?

6ths Wave: Wasps' Nests

I think the Partridge radio show was just the first 6 episode season. They're funny too, but it's been years since I've heard them. They're floating around the internet, or at least were at one point in time.

Come for "Star Dust", stay for "Georgia on My Mind"!

That reminds me - Warren Ellis is never going to finish Doktor Sleepless, is he?

It already exists in book and audiobook form: Star Wars: Death Troopers and Star Wars: Red Harvest.

I feel like going to the Omaha date and yelling out a request for "Sweet Electrical Storm" or "Mr. Brady" just to see what Tim would do.

With Ant-Man as the sole male team member, it's already been done over at Marvel comics a couple of years ago with Fraction and Allred's FF series.

He's also Dick Cheney's distant cousin.

Because he's a Third Way/Blue Dog Democrat who's now saying some of the things he thinks people want to hear in order to get elected? He'd be a good running mate for Hillary, and both would be Republicans in a world where the discourse hasn't been shifted as far rightward as ours has over the last 30-35 years.

I'm very curious about this as well, mostly because it would suck if this led to the guys from The Flop House podcast being out of work.

So they're remaking Upír z Feratu as a TV series? Weird.

Illiteracy was quite funny on this week's episode of Paul F. Tompkins' Spontaneanation, though.