Ah, so that's what Dargo's up to these days!
Ah, so that's what Dargo's up to these days!
Soon they'll be shipbuilding?
The Way of the Samurai?
Or the movie that killed John Waters ability to make other better funded films?
Lincoln - the birthplace of Dick Cheney and Charles Starkweather has already suffered enough, thank you. As has Omaha, birthplace of Clarence Thomas's wife. (I've lived in both cities, and still dwell in the latter, unfortunately.)
But he's America's most beloved former coke dealer!
But it made for a great episode of "You Must Remember This", so that's something.
You know, as much as I cook them, I can't ever get them to flake with a fork. On the plus side, they've already been de-boned!
I read about those in "Goldberg Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid".
Forrest's new co-host….Ass Sparkles! But she'd have to be CGI and her voice would sound oddly familiar.
I think Eight added on at least a couple of hundred years in the BBC books series, as well. That range has some real classics in it, although it started a bit slow.
Those novels, along with the DW New Adventures and Missing Adventures, got me back into recreational reading after I'd given it up to focus on college,…
Dalek Empire I-III does this really well.Living under Dalek rule for an extended period of time while covertly working to fight back.
That Enterprise 5th season is darker than I'd anticipated.
She (Osgood)'s in the new Kate Stewart-led UNIT audio series from Big Finish? Now that the new series is available for stories over there. River's meeting earlier Doctors, Judoon, Sycorax, Weeping Angels, Winston Churchill (w/9, 10 and 11), and the new Torchwood series!
Sorry if I come off as a shill, but I never get…
They could bring in most of Guitar Wolf for an episode to rectify that. Capaldi Doctor meets Wild Zero - yes, please!
I'd never want one of those, as my mother is a wonderful woman. Everyone else in the family, on the other hand…
Wow, I didn't know that. Oops! My site navigation is not what it used to be. Never mind about the other, then! (I'd remembered the close-out on the discs quite awhile ago, didn't find it in the ranges page anymore and only found a few used copies on Amazon that were around 65-90 dollars for some stories.)
I've been a…
They finally got Sebastian Cabot back from the dead to play Jedikiah, the dumpy brother of Box from Logan's Run.
Yes, the cranky baby here already does that, and does it better.