Anne of Leaves

I keep asking Wayne Hoobler about this, but why the hell should he know?

Because a lot of the people that are getting riled up by Moore are rageaholics. In a very real sense, he's getting them off, even if neither party consciously realizes it.

Will 311 ever get back to him about whether they're ready to fight?

And he's got a show on Cartoon Network.

He ain't even Rockula!

Still trolling, eh?

If someone's passing a bloody clown, isn't that more of a shart? Wasn't Gillian Jacobs in that movie?

What would it be like if burqas in general slowly morphed into even more concealing mascot/furry outfits?

Isn't she the American woman that that old-timey Canadian band kept asking him to serve that restraining order to?

And yet none of them have managed to make full partner…

At this point, the whole thing could just add more and more Australians until it morphs into a remake of Don's Party and would doubtless still be better than what we're going to end up with.

Hackman's been in training for a number of years now to re-enter the Seniors Motor Vehicle Fight Club circuit. He's also willing to throw down with anyone who asks him about Loose Cannons.

But it only has Tom Waits' phone number so all messages have to be relayed through him.

That could dovetail nicely with Christian Bale's alleged scat fetish.

As long as at least 33% of his "jokes" involve restating what a sack of crap Bill Cosby is, I say go for it. Is the Joker ever really funny? Jay was pure cinematic dynamite in Collision Course, after all.
"What's my beef, Flagg?"

"Double rods", is that anything like that ridiculous attachment that lets a gun hold another gun (example: pistol strapped on to the front of a rifle)?

I thought his prehensile tail was going to be a major plot point, but apparently not.

He was the best Alan Cumming ever!

Maybe he's afraid of being exposed to any Infectious Grooves.

Prince Edward's finest hour!