Anne of Leaves

If only we could have had a film version of that in place of the Dennis Hopper 'Space Truckers" movie.

Plus, Thunderdome has a really low occupancy limit, possibly due to fire code restrictions.

Hang in there baby, Friday's coming.

And if it involves Batman locking a young Dick Grayson in the Batcave and making him eat rats, get me G. Gordon Liddy's autograph. It's for my uncle, he's a barely closeted Brownshirt.

The "Superman and Big Barda make a porno" issue was probably the low light of that run (or highlight, if you were looking for creepy mind control coercion porn storylines).

This is giving me horrifying flashbacks of Garth Ennis' "The Boys", for some reason.

Now all I can picture is Rodney Dangerfield (star of My Five Wives) as Black Bolt, sweating like crazy, bugging his eyes out and adjusting a necktie he's wearing over his footy onesie with the forehead-mounted tuning fork.

Lockjaw is such an odd case: giant dog or full inhuman member of the royal family that they just don't treat well? I'll never completely buy Peter David's retcon that the times Lockjaw spoke and made those claims (that he had been human before the Terrigen mists mutated him) were all tricks.

OT: Atlantis Attacks made for a particularly brutal issue of "What If?", even for the comic where any slight variance in events as they "actually" occurred invariably ended in tragedy.

And to add insult to injury, they basically replaced it with that godawful Suicide Squad comic - the worst ever iteration of the team (and I'm counting the old Showcase "Rick Flag's dad and a couple of other guys, love interest and a plane" version) .

How did Batman manage to have a new Robin basically every year? Did he lease them, or something?

And that compiling and monetizing of everyone's personal information kind of crossed a threshold that most people would not have been comfortable with in the past. I'm not a conspiracy nut or a Luddite, but on some level that shit's creepy and wrong.

We like Roy?

This was also something of a carryover from soap operas, (as opposed to romance comics, which were pretty much always self-contained stories). Go back and read some of those early Spider-Man comics, for example. There's a hell of a lot of soapiness in there, with MJ, Gwen, Harry, etc.
The Marvel folks realizing they

It's true. A lot of Golden Age comics, even of some titles that are still ongoing today, didn't take place in a shared universe. It was kind of a big deal when the JSA got together, for this very reason. Even then, a shared reality between titles wasn't a big thing, and was a selling point for Marvel. That's the only

Turns out that Bester brain work was more thorough than anyone had anticipated.

Red Mars-terfuck III: Spooky Orgy

He's too busy working on that next issue of Doktor Sleepless.

Homer isn't bad, I just enjoy referencing him because it's one of those "Marvel House of Ideas" swipes that always makes me think of the old SCTV episode where the station's owner decides to make his own Diff'rent Strokes copycat show with Hank Bain, played by Conrad Bain's twin brother, Bonar.

As opposed to those Angel Punisher and Blackface Punisher (with special guest Luke Cage!) issues, which are (or should be) pretty much worthless.