Anne of Leaves

So she doesn't have Yaya sisters who will perform "We Are Family" with her? What a shame.

What kind of hospital were they running there, anyway?

Sorry, I was just about to re-watch it. I haven't seen it since the early 90s so maybe that's not what happens? :(
It's definitely worth a watch. Really eerie stuff.
Macauly Culkin dies, though. That I'm sure of. Would make a weird double bill with "My Girl" for that reason alone.

One of my brother's best friends had family that made moonshine. I haven't had any in almost 20 years but can still remember that burn. You're right on the money.

I guess they're hoping she'll be back some lucky day? Unfortunately she ran afoul of someone with just the right bullets, and now anywhere she lays her head is home. It doesn't help that God's away on business. Truly in TWD misery is the river of the world.
Sorry, I just really love Tom Waits.

She's probably more aware that "there's a world going on underground" than she used to be, at any rate.

She's been dying in the Vietnam War this entire time like in Jacob's Ladder?

Still better than Sheriff Colostomy from the next county over.

Bring back Bert Harrison (from Trophy Wife)!

"We don't need another T-Dawg!
We don't need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond Thunderdome."

"We put the fun in Brian Lumley's 'Fruiting Bodies and Other Fungi'." - No One

The whole "shot in the head but still alive" gambit worked for KORL!!!!! in the comic, but would the Beth fans be any happier if she was alive but with a gaping skull hole? She'd be down to just the one anime eye then.

"Did he say 'get the hardness out'?"

Some say that Dr. Serizawa's Oxygen Destroyer formula is secreted away within the pages of The Big Book of British Smiles.

"They terk our Corn-jerbs!"

And for all planets to be called stars for some reason, and for free unlimited bottles of Coca-Cola for one soon-to-be diabetic little Japanese girl.

The winner of the archery contest takes home a golden arrow played by Steely Dan.

So does hanging, if Burroughs' Naked Lunch is to be believed.

"My name is Poots, and I am funky."

It's funny, because whenever I think of Grantland journalistic malpractice leading to death comes to mind, for some reason. Can't think why.