
Words to live by.

My advice - not that you asked for it - lower your expectations, and let go of how you think it should be. Let it be its own thing or don’t see it. Otherwise, you are going to be disappointed

Still fuck the NRA because they brainwash people like you into thinking that you need a gun when really nobody that isnt in the police or military does.

How about fuck all of the above?

Yes, fuck the parents. But I hold the NRA at least partially responsible for every intentional and unintentional gun death and injury in this country.

Nah, still fuck the NRA.

there you go again, using logic and reason!

Exactly! Again: ARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!

In all fairness, she does travel with an unregistered foreign national that can teleport. Can we REALLY trust her?

I guess in their ideal comic he would be stopping Kamala Khan the evil radicalized Islamist terrorist who illegally snuck into the US via Mexico?

Fox News: “Why is Cap going after the hardworking Germans who have misgivings about the control the Jews have over the world?!”


This is terrifying. You have an open invitation to come hide out at my house. I live in Canada. I have wine and Trump is not vying to run my country.

You are part of an ancient thing that doesn’t know what it is, and can’t.

I dunno, if they emphasize the “Tinker” in tinkerbell, I may be coaxed with a cookie into seeing it.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but you’ve been about 300% more readable the last month. Is everything okay?

Found ‘em

i’d totally send this guy a pic of my tits, if i could only find them

you’re nailing it

“I promise I won’t share.”