You kind of dove off the deep end with hyperbole there. I don’t think hiring people as contractors instead of employees is a human rights violation. It’s a business option.
You kind of dove off the deep end with hyperbole there. I don’t think hiring people as contractors instead of employees is a human rights violation. It’s a business option.
It may also have to do with the fact that building it in the US would cost around $2,000 (at retail), according to an MIT study on assembly and component costs. I’m not discussing politics or workers rights, I’m discussing economics. Manufacturing a product and providing a service are two entirely different avenues to…
I see what you’re saying, but pretty much every company, unless its a non-profit, values profits over people. Ever read about the factories that manufacture iPhones?
Doubt he’d make it past the title screen. Still not certain he knows how to use a computer.
Did you see the one about dental fillings causing mercury poisoning? Can’t tell if they believe what they’re saying, or are a whole new breed of troll.
Anyone else having trouble playing the video?
Right out of the old “the car behind them kept flashing high-beams” campfire story. Was there a hook left on the drivers side door?
Mine works, a 2014 Westinghouse. Not a smart TV or anything like that, it’s pretty bare bones.
Looked into your comment history after seeing the 12 paragraph fragmented essay you wrote, in response to my barely 2 sentence comment. Your views seem very radical. I mean this in the most polite way I can say it, but you may want to look into paranoid-schizophrenia treatments.
Do you have the wemo switches? Get a smart plug, name the TV “screen” and when you say “on screen” it will indeed turn on. That’s how I have mine set up.
Finally. Knew they’d get around to it eventually, but they certainly took their time.
You tend to lose credibility in an argument when you use terms like “bazillions” followed almost immediately by what looks like a Yoda quote: “Carefully crafted, those words are.” What’s your opinion on vaccines?
Why are comments like this, where a bit of logical reasoning is applied, stuck in the greys on this site?
California electoral votes went Democrat. Are you implying that no one voted outside of the statistical average? Math is math, there were outliers on either side of the political divide.
That is a lot of pressure to put on a teenage relationship. What happens if or when they break up? Alternatively, will there be a go fund me for the wedding? What size donation do I make to get an invite?
Best episode of The Grand Tour/Amazon Top Gear ever.
All good. Just another day for the Rebel Alliance. Haha.
... Yep. Sorry you feel that way, wasn’t intended. To be honest your post(s) come off as pretty hostile. You know what they say about assumptions.
I like my news stories to be rich and full of detail? Especially when there’s a potential life sentence involved. This whole article is only 118 words.
Certainly a double edged sword there, just kind of hoping this wasn’t completely and utterly random. That takes a particularly special kind of evil/disturbance.