Fynn Heikkila

I remember a while back I took Dunham to task on a Jezebel article for, after finally caving and having an actual black character on her show, he was a sexual interest for her character who was made a fucking REPUBLICAN so her character could look down on him and lecture him. I was soundly berated by the followers

At some point, the tech startups are going to have to realize that the only real way to disrupt the car business is to either partner up with an established manufacturer or buy an established manufacturer.

China’s wealthy elite are the children of the Party officials and Military executives running the banks of a Communist country that stripped the wealth from the entire country for almost 100 years now. It is not a meritocracy.

With overdrive. Or Roverdrive.

She is performing a public service - she knows Mustangs kill people, so she refuses to have one in her video. This song even has the warning: “Mustangs.......Gonna hit you like lightning”

Oh jeez, here come the cool witty atheists with their flying spaghetti monster jokes...

They need more Jareds and fewer Erlichs. Perhaps they should SWOT it.

I have a crazy idea: Just stop.

The first Late Night show was created in 1954, on NBC. Its simple format of opening monologue, celebrity interviews, audience participation, comedy bits, and musical performances, has been copied endlessly and now there are multiple versions of the same late night show, all successful. Multiple comedies of a group of

And then someone will get tired of all the time it takes, and create a macro that does it all based on RPMs and speed.

I’m just waiting for you to throw your hat into the 2020 ring, Torch. Flying ham-powered cars for all!

This shit is just silly.

I go a whole day of driving not knowing what I’ve earned because of a glitch in the app, but everyone is working on autonomous cars and flying cars instead. Insane

“Sir, I pulled you over because the time-averaged derivative of your location measured by this laser interferometer has exceeded the specified local maximum.”

The new Volkswagen EV naming strategy is proudly brought to you by:

Its kind of weird because some people are so brainwashed on this particular issue.

Let’s fight it.

Jesus Christ. How worthless of a human being do you have to be to want to steal someone else’s hard earned property and then when you are too inept to use it yourself you have to kill an innocent person?

Hasn’t grown on me yet but here you go:

Are you saying that building an industry with no employment structure, no unions or collective bargaining, and highly unclear revenue streams that are muddled with social cachet and ‘exposure bucks’ is not great for the workers in that industry?? My god, it’s almost like some thought went into every industry ever