Incredible Edible Egghead

What's with today today?

This will kill all the flies and give your home a pleasant citrus AND DEAD FRUIT FLY scent

Except they are words because language is always evolving and creativity with language is fun and interesting and also many marginalized communities use language as a way to push back against oppression and colonialist bullshit. Unless your language is dead, like Latin, then it’s not evolving or changing. But in this

Your point is an interesting, though uncomfortable one — sorry you’re getting piled on. I usually find myself rolling my eyes at the “Wow that sucks, so here’s a picture of MY PET BUNNY WABBIT!” posts on news about deeply tragic shit. I never respond because I know I’ll get piled on.

You got me. I'm actually the one that posted about the cake to begin with! It's been me posting about baby animals and cake all along.

I get what you’re saying and also find it odd but it happens a lot here so I think this will fall on deaf ears. I try to imagine a real life conversation about the murder and then someone chiming in with “that’s horrifying, so anyway, let me tell you about this cake I just baked bc it makes me feel better”. In real

You did it!

I feel the complete opposite. Something about both of them gives me a vibe of low-key craziness. I feel like you’d start the night doing pedis and drinking sangria and end the night on mescaline neck deep in some weird hippie mudbath situation that Shailene brought up. I’d want to see where it went, is what I’m saying.

Your honor, my husband is being owned by a dickensian Australian politician.

No one asked for this, but here’s a desktop background version.

Reading between the lines of Bethenny’s description of Dorinda and John being OOC in the Hamptons, I think Dorinda and John are coke-heads and that’s why she keeps him around while seeming to kind of hate him and why she is so crazily aggro sometimes.

Yes, the deck in Below Decks is a holodeck and VPR stands for Vulcans Promoting Robots

When men tell me to smile, I say I have a zygomatic disorder that prevents upward curvature of the mouth and THANKS FOR MOCKING MY DISABILITY. Real sensitive, dick.

Wasn’t 2002 only a couple of years ago?!?!

But I like ordering in more?? Sleeping with my coworkers is a hard pass, Karl.

If anyone needs an object lesson in why kids and young teenagers can’t give informed consent, this is it.

I'm a carnivore, and nope, I would not have any problem with a meat-free wedding. Maybe that's partly because I live in the Bay Area, so a. I know a lot of vegans, b. I'm accustomed to vegetables being fresh and tasty, and c. I've been exposed to really good, well prepared vegan food, so I know it doesn't have to be