The Incinerator's Lost Key

The Christian Post ran dueling op-eds by Joe Biden and Mike Pence to make a case for which old white man running for president is most Godly.”

Unlike Trump, Reese Witherspoon actually does run several successful businesses...

I don’t really have an opinion about whether Reese Witherspoon should run for office when she’s 65, but Trump’s having been famous before he ran for office is pretty low on the list of reasons he was/is bad.  

Me too, I’d love to see more from her!

I had a couple of family members vote for Jill Stein in a purple state because Hillary was a lock. How did that turn out? However, there is quite of number of “Joe Rogan is a god” guys out there that don’t understand consequences from the comfort of their parent’s basement.

But on the same hand, Aniston’s initial plea also reveals that celebrities like her watch far too much MSNBC, in turn, morphing average rom-com stars like her into bona fide heroes in their imagined “resistance.”

I wonder if this still works because I’m pretty sure that I saw Amy Coney Barrett consorting with the devil out in the woods the other day.

... and force-choke you from across the room.

I have a feeling that it wouldn’t have mattered if she did know.

Wonder if Lisa knew about this

Israel has no problem with abortions. Although they have laws on the books against it in certain circumstances, they aren’t enforced. It just isn’t a hotly debated issue there like it is in US. We provide them with large amount of financial aid and some of that money is used to fund their abortions.

Re: Murkowski, I got nothing.

So Facebook came back with an updated version of the algorithm that was fairer to those sites, but would have a negative impact on lefty websites.”


As expected Dump made it over the lowest bar of not drooling on himself and flingin’ his poo and right wang(Typo but leaving it as most appropriate) media is calling it the most presidential thing evar! Joe was fine, even good, certainly better than the voluminous lying machine across the room but the media’s moth like

Sorry not sorry to be *that* guy (this is Kylie we’re talking about), but her debut album Kylie was released in 1988 (not 1998). Let’s give this queen the credit she deserves!

kylie minogue debut came out 1988, not 1998. you should fix that typo.

I thought it was a crystal pepsi dress for a moment and was baffled. Actually I’m still rather baffled knowing what it is.