The Immaculate Confection

Costs, and the fact that we hate investing in infrastructure in this country because we’d have to pay for it, which means taxes, and taxes are the lovechild of Satan and Hitler.

I knew someone who named their children “Cougar” and “Granite.” SERIOUSLY.

Genres aren’t mutually exclusive, no, but at the same time traits aren’t exclusive to a single genre either. Just having gadgets or ghosts isn’t enough to make something science fiction or fantasy to me. It’s about the entire world that’s built around those traits.

I can confirm I have met a baby named Kale. It was so hard to talk to her mother with a straight face.

I’m still waiting for a newsletter.

An entirely reasonable comparison that any reasonable person would draw.

I would like to deeply apologize for the above comment. When I said “so long Jerkbags”, I didn’t mean to imply that the rest of you are, in fact, Jerkbags. I was suffering from exhaustion at the time and have deep respect for the Jerkbag community.

Regardless of the rest of the whole thing, Jackie’s father was awesome.

THANK YOU! I can’t believe that the family is more scandalized by the cheating than by his apparent drive to sexually molest little girls! At least he was cheating with consenting women over the age of 18 (or at least, I hope he was).

It’s depressing. I know a woman who is an extremely competent business woman, former athlete, and pillar of the community, who has stayed with the same abusive loser for 40 years out of a commitment to her marriage. Many times he’s lived away because of restraining orders, but she won’t get a divorce because

That’s exactly what I was thinking! Can we offer this course to every legislator? Remember the Utah guy that thought it was ok to rape his wife?

As the mother of 2 boys, I’m becoming very aware of the weird way we teach them things. At my son’s playgroup a dad got super angry at his son when he got into a tussle with a little girl over a toy. He was yelling “you never hit a girl” at his kid. And I was just thinking “Dude, why not teach him not to hit ANYONE.”

Year of the Fanboy Commenter, much!?

Me, looking at at Tara Jacoby illustration (and getting ready to read a Clover Hope article)

I think it’s very probable she doesn’t understand the seriousness of child molestation in general and Josh’s actions in particular. She’s led a very sheltered, brainwashed life from birth. I doubt CSA was ever talked about, and if it was the focus would not be the harm the victims suffered, but forgiving the sin of

Honestly, based on everything I know about this family, even IF she had reservations or outright did not want to marry him after finding out, she probably had very little choice as this was a modern-day arranged marriage. My hope that since she has siblings who broke free from this lifestyle that, if she chooses, she

God forgave him. (And it didn’t affect her). That’s her thought process. She sees the cheating as an offense against her. Fundies don’t do empathy well.

I think the problem here with that is that the Duggars and Anna don’t see what he did as molestation. They see it as a youthful indiscretion.

I really doubt they were told the full extent of the criminal activity. Not with his parents’ willingness to minimize and redirect the blame for what happened.

I love how molesting a bunch of little girls (mainly his sisters, one of whom was only 5) is not as bad as the cheating. Raise your hand if you’d much, much, rather you found out your spouse cheated on you than sexually abused a number of kids? I might be hurt about cheating, but I could see working past it. I would