
Must have a real marketable degree, either that or you are a shitty employee. Both choices you made. You can also make the choice to improve your situation. If you got through college you should be able to handle a tech school. It would be a lot easier than bitching and expecting everyone else to provide for you.

“we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it”

What an intelligent retort. Well, we know that besides being ignorant you watch Louis CK. And that is all we need to know.

It is uninformed people like you that are a destroying this country. First, maybe you should learn now CEO’s get their compensation. It isn’t salary. Here’s a hint, stock options. Who cares was ACA did, it was nothing more than pablum for the woefully uneducated. This is what we get from all these years of

I hope you are all being ridiculous on purpose. Added to the cost of the phone is the monthly service. The point was that there are lots of choices people make, whether it a shiny new iPhone and an unlimited data plan to a car that they cannot afford. The point is to BUDGET YOUR GODDAMN money so you can afford to

This is so precious, the libs getting a taste of their own medicine. The non-vote on Garland was based on the BIDEN rule. Look it up. Secondly, the nuclear option was pioneered by Harry Reid. Guess it never occurred to you erudite libs that it might come back to bite you? LOL. All the left has anymore is rage