The Illiberal Press

You can be and it does. However just because it's expected doesn't mean it happens. Moral righteous morphs into something malacious if people blindly follow their ideology. Scepticism is key.

I do mean ideology, I apologise, my spelling is terrible. Unfortunately, but necessary, offense is not a crime. People should not necessaily be penalised for being offensive. This ideology, as we have seen through many examples, has turned its follows into the thought and fun police.

It's not a good tool. It's a flawed idiology, like all idiologies, that does see there is a problem in itself. Instead it claims to be righteous, any critcism of it means that person is some kind of -ist.

Do the females grow hair in excess?

Ron Glass, sleep well sir.

At night it caresses his face.

YOU COULD HAVE BEEN STORM, ANGELA! You could have been Storm! Then again the majority of those films were shit so that was probably a very good shout.

Oh god, first Terminaor, now this. Stop, Clarke!

But that's just the premise of 'Atlantis' and 'Universe'. It's old news.

They had at least 4 starships (6 if you count the ones from other nations) and lots of fighters.

Don't… Don't even joke about stuff like that.

I can understand being angry at the 'because of' people, but you should still try to understand their positions and have discussions with them. The 'despite of' however are a very big group and swung it for Trump. It is extremely important to know why. Without knowing those reasons and working together, nothing good

In one ear and out the other? Instead of demonising why don't you instead try to understand.

Thank you. So many people have been saying this, maybe people will start listening.

We're about as happy with TBBT as jocks are with Blue Mountain State. Wait… That doesn't work… Shit!

Baps or cobs, but never rolls.

And even if she did say that, that's fine. That's how she, as the character, feels not necessary what the writer believes. Outrage culture, man.

Ah comparing two good series. This makes me content, thanks AV Club.

GLORIOUS NEWS! Please just make it season 3 not YJ Go or some shit. Yes, I am a stereotype. Ire towards TTG is totally and completely deserved.

I'm always up for making things more interesting. To the well, I say!