The Illiberal Press

I would say so. Maybe characters' actions alter because of a feeling they have towards another (speaking about the love triangle specifically), but it's not as if there are huge misunderstandings and love scenes and physical fights because of it. I would say it's in the background, but love and the like play a part in

A very fun show, I'm glad to see it's been shown and getting recognition in the US. I'm very glad that many of the characters are realistically flawed. Also I wouldn't even the call the love triangle a love triangle which, in my opinion, elevates the show tremendously.

Character = Culture = Generalisation = Racism and cultural appropriation. Illuminati confirmed!!!

I don't think Jolie's is that bad. Has Pitt done one?

I thought she was with that other french guy.

They really are. They have their issues like everyone, but I really like their content, especially TL;DR and Armoured Skeptic, then probably Shoe0nHead, Sargon of Akkad, Chris Ray Gun and maybe MrRepzion. I'd even add Philip DeFranco.The others I could take or leave. I hope my analytical skills have increased, but I

Thanks for replying Crooked Paul. I don't agree with everything you have said, but you have clarified your early comments, so thanks. I'll add that I don't agree with absolutely everything Presto Changeo said either. Hopefully I can have more discussions like this in the future.

Hey, no problem. I totally understand, mate. I've been through this stuff myself, it is tiring and frustrating. You've just got to present your facts and try to stay as objective as possible. I saw you mentioned TL:DR and Sargon. I started watching them several months ago, before that I didn't really see any of these

Hello, Crooked Paul.

I think we do define things very differently. I don't mean to paint him as a victim just someone who, I think, is explaining his point of view in a reasonable manner. A lot of comments don't agree with him, which is fine, but they also make a straw man out of him. Or her, I don't care. Rather than discuss, many

I have read the entire thread. I see nothing block worthy. I disagree with many of your comments, but I still don't find them block-worthy.

Who would you denounce as a troll here? I don't believe auntywot and Presto Changeo are and they seem to be the loudest voices. Presto Changeo is especially railed against. I will mock anyone who decides that a reasonable end to a debate is block because that is a childish act.

I don't like what you're saying so shall I block you or converse with you? I guess putting my fingers in my ears and going "la la la la la" is more mature than discussing opinions in a reasonable and rational manner. But you've probably already blocked so you won't see this. Oh well.

How has it been proven? Can you provide a link to this proof? Evidence that is not testimonial, but objective.

Oh Mrs. Langdon Alger and Sir Winston Douchechill, you are a funny lot.

Hey, guess what, you're a child. Grow up.

That sounds familiar. Almost like a whole sect of Western society is acting like that or something.

Lupa is hilarious. I was a huge Charmed fan back in the day and I love how she takes it apart. The show is terrible but enjoyable. Now I eat popcorn while watching her Baywatch stuff.

They didn't choose "the whitest looking black girl", they chose a mixed-race girl.

First Dom, now Angela. Have these people learnt nothing from Zuko!?