
Uh, obviously?

And tomorrow, something else will be the whitest shit you’ve ever seen.

People didn’t have iPods or cameraphones in 1992, doofus.

I suppose it becomes genuine tokenism when, for example, a company board hires one PoC after receiving intense criticism, and they remain the only PoC on that board for years to come.

I’d say it was more hunger than vodka.

Staff Writer Monique Judge, doing some Big Easy advertising


Always seems to be the second royal kid who turns out a pain in the ass.

Some jackass I don’t know shouted something rude at me.

Another snowflake who construes disagreement as trolling.

Even though black artists make music that’s actually more popular than what’s in the “pop” categories, they don’t usually win in the big name categories like Album of the Year or Record of the Year.

Yeah, the term ‘whiteness’ has lost all meaning to me because people just throw it out ad nauseum without trying to make a cogent point about it.

Goddamn Japanese with their yellow-washing.

Spike Lee and Jordan Peele will collaborate

Any guy who uses the word ‘mansplain’, in any context or situation, should have his vagina checked.

Let’s play Spot the Presumptuous Gobshite.

Woah. You really relate to this story, huh?

More like attention-whore-shamed.

Conversly, in the ghetto every woman is tired of seeing black guys’ penises.