“But then, the internet found out that Keaton’s parents are card-carrying racists and took back their support. This in no way condones bullying, but it does make you question white tears.”
“But then, the internet found out that Keaton’s parents are card-carrying racists and took back their support. This in no way condones bullying, but it does make you question white tears.”
Will do. I’ll be getting the telepathic nodes for detecting abusive thoughts from people I don’t know installed next week. We’ll make this world a better place.
Uh, Kirk, where’s the credit for the Jezebel author who slipped in her 50 cents halfway through?
Mentioning the good things that come from China won’t suddenly spirit away the bad things.
Oof. Another career about to go down the shitter.
Never before have I seen so much orange in one picture.
When women are stuck in low-paying work and devoid of better education:
I wonder if she would be interested in disclosing her whole paycheck (gross pay, taxes, benefits, overtime, net income) versus his, or will it be another case of “he got $20,000 more than me therefore sexism” rather than providing cogent proof that she was underpaid by virtue of her gender.
You are single, Monique, and I’ve no doubt that your flabby, pretentious ass will stay that way for a long damn time.
My response to this revelation is this: I don’t give a fuck if it has racist roots because it means something completely different now.
Women struggle to date or get laid just like men do.
Él tiene mucho dinero.
I never said they were as strong as the men.
That may well be true. Back in my martial arts days, I used to train with both men and women extensively. The women tended to be quicker, more accurate, and better balanced. Many’s the time I watched a female brown belt kick the crap out of a black belt instructor because he couldn’t react quickly enough to counter…
Women deal with the same fear, only they anticipate different consequences. They don’t want guys to assume that her kind heart equates to sexual interest, lest they end up with some creep harassing them for a date.
I mostly agree with this, but it isn’t something you should expect to change.
That, or the Overwatch t-shirt.
Maybe. Maybe not. This could be a guy who’s had negative experiences in the past or who’s read too much into the anti-harassment headlines as of late, and is letting those few incidents swamp his mind with unnecessary prejudices and insecurities.
I’m the same. Even so much as being caught looking at a woman, regardless of whether I’m attracted to her, fills me to my eyeballs with anxiety. I’ve been badly rejected before, and those experiences cemented in me a permanent fear of being seen as creepy or inconvenient; again, even by women I don’t actually find…
Sadly, I get the feeling that he didn’t reflect on his actions until he found out one of his friends raped somebody.