
Lightyear is a unit of distance, not a time. So saying it was “miles ahead of it’s time” doesn’t make any sense.

I can definitely see it being both a superpower and a burden. There are times when I wish that I could recall specific parts of vacations or childhood memories with more clarity — and I lament their loss. Those times feel so far away.

I was in bed watching tv and I realized that my Roku remote was on the other side of the room. Instead of getting up, I downloaded the Roku app on my phone and used it as a remote.

Later, my husband and I were arguing over what show to watch, so I used the app on my phone to mess with him trying to select a show via

Creating Klingons that look nothing like either TOS or TNG Klingons is likely the entire plot-line of the Klingons in this series. It has been hinted at in other series that some genetic experimentation and alterations happened during the Klingon War that brought on their visual change. It would make a lot of sense

A neuron is a cell, in this case one that has “light-sensitive genes similar to those found in an eye.” So from my understanding of the article, which I admit was a bit confusing, they are being steered by flashes of flight and the “backpack” is not permanent.

How does a bug consent? Does it even have the sentience to consent? You are asking the impossible and anthropomorphizing in the process.  

The creature is not being directly harmed or hurt in any way. It’s wearing a backpack. And, since it’s still able to fly, obviously the electronics aren’t too heavy. It’s being steered by flashing light. So, I don’t understand the ethical issues here.

I don’t understand, what’s the point of making tiny food if there is no little hamster to eat it. I want my little hamster!

I think it’s more of a combination of a Kathryn Janeway + John Crichton + Zoë Washburne + Olivia Dunham and maybe a bit of the 10th Doctor Who, but only when people annoy me. ;)

I believe that we have a very different idea of what “a lot” means.

Note that /all/ of science, not just astronomy, is the 1% wedge. In numbers, the total 2015 Federal Budget is $3.8 trillion, while NASA’s budget is $17.5 billion — which is 0.46%.

Lay-person: a person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject. It wasn’t meant as an insult, merely a way to describe, in this context, people who don’t study astronomy professionally. The problem with “warming up,” is that it causes mass confusion. How many articles have you seen that

I am an astrophysicist and I observe exoplanets. While I’m glad that people take an interest in the science, I find this poster to be incredibly misleading. As the article said, these are artist interpretations. So the only “incredible variety” that is really shown is the artist’s idea of what these planets /might/

All sexism aside, maybe if you were so attached to your phone, you shouldn’t have “given” it to...anyone.

All sexism aside, maybe if you were so attached to your phone, you shouldn’t have “given” it to...anyone.

I am an astrophysicist. And while I don't doubt the background science and simulations (I've worked with Greg Laughlin) the first sentence (and reiterated points at the end of the article) bothered me: "It is becoming increasingly obvious that our Solar System — with its inner collection of small rocky planets

Did your girlfriend also have a size long bag? If she didn't, did the length difference pose any problems when you joined them together - or just the loss of face hole cinchiness? My husband is 6'3" with incredibly broad shoulders, to the point where I had to buy us a 3-person tent just so he could fit. So, I think

In some areas of science, namely in astronomy, physics, and geophysics, scientists are able to post their papers online in an accessible, open source manner via: In this way, people are able to readily and easily share their work with others before, during, or even after the