@LandMineLandSnake: Ummmmm you can't use 64-bit vista on a 32-bit machine, and visa versa.
@LandMineLandSnake: Ummmmm you can't use 64-bit vista on a 32-bit machine, and visa versa.
@Slatox: At least the survey makes PC gamers feel relevant
@Alternate: I believe the PSP and PS2 are also part of the games division. The PS2 undoubtedly makes a profit, probably the PSP as well. Conclusion? PS3 is causing greater than 1/5th of the losses.
@Lllusionx: The Headcrab was delicious!: Well as far as the consumer is concerned the PS3 "made it" as in it has a sufficient enough install base that it won't lose exclusives or whole games to the 360 for the time being. In that respect it's selling well, however Sony likely projected lifetime sales to be greater…
@Witzbold: I'm pretty MS rounded up most of the shooter fans already, and I don't see PC gamers getting a PS3 for KZ2. I'm sure there's plenty of people waiting for it's release, but if there isn't a marketing push for it, then it will definitely won't move a significant amount of consoles for Sony. I think it is…
@alexkidd: Well there's still plenty of multi platform games too. No shame in playing something that's also available on the PS3 :D
@Smokemeakipper: It was pretty mediocre. Only get it if you're really into the whole western setting.
@Lllusionx: I think he means larger. You're not closing the gap unless you're outselling your competition; I doubt the 360 will ever consistently outsell the PS3 in Japan.
@liquidxtension: I think these are just the reviews with the largest view count.
@lordofsword: MS actually turns a profit from it's 360 department now. Sony's games division is losing hundreds of millions. Read more articles dude.
@ChalkdustTorture: It's just jealousy. They have to pay while pirates don't, therefore they feel pissed off and retreat into the corporate propaganda machine that tells them "It's okay, you're better then them because they're criminals".
@EnigmaNemesis: That's exactly the reason! You won't get a $200 system without substantial cost cutting.
@incredibilistic: Well it's pretty much just for saving games. 1GB is still pretty weak if you want to play games demos or any media functionality.
Stay tuned for another exciting episode of PS3 vs Xbox360! The EXACT same bullshit, as two years ago, but now 60 replies long!
@Lyner: In 2007 Nintendo made $2.4bn in profits. They sold 14.29mill Wii's.
@Dreamwriter: Not to mention that the technology wasn't anywhere near the cutting edge when it was released.
@Mattchewie: 360 owners are made to wait for ALL multi platform game that comes out :p
@TRT-X: Hey, now I thought it was "Ohdest" :)
@KSPRAYDAD (The PlayStation is $250 with a PlayStation Visa....: Kinda how over the lifetime of the PS3 Sony will still be in a hole, without an online subscription helping them dig out. :p
@jbkiller: Well 25mil is not the same as 125mil now is it? :)