
Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.

Yeah. He is acting like a dick. Adrian Gonzalez seems to think he's a steaming pile of shit too. Maybe the guy is just a douche? Perhaps that's why his own manager hates him? Deadspin is starting to look like Skip Bayless fawning over Tebow with the constant blind Puig defenses.

It's not a hobby, it's a business. Not necessarily a self-sustaining one, more of a cottage industry to the PR, journalism and marketing worlds. Do not think for a second Newell, Ley or whoever gives a rats ass about the Natives. I mean, they live on an island the Dutch basically stole from the Lenape Tribe.

Here's my Albert Belle story. My father-in-law and Albert Belle 12-stepped together and became friendly. Eventually, Belle hired my father-in-law as a kind of assistant/trainer. They worked out together, golfed together, etc. This was toward the end of his time w/Cleveland and during his brief stint with the White

"No, it doesn’t bother me. When you look at the sport of baseball, it is about team players. If you look at the guys around me (in ’95), they helped put me in a situation to succeed, more so than any other player that year, and if they don’t succeed then I don’t get the opportunity to succeed, so all my success was

Yeah, he doesn't really come across badly here, at least in the quoted portion. I think the first question can clearly be interpreted as "If you were 25 now facing the pitching of today, how would you do?" and not Belle thinking he could post a .900 OPS as a 47-year-old. And his second answer... he's an a-hole for not

How is speaking the truth being an asshole? The players these days don't see Randy Johnson or Nolan Ryan or Clemens or a whole slew of other badasses on the mound. I mean, he was an asshole, but these statements are pretty much within reason. He was good at the plate - sometimes approaching greatness.

Roll that one around in your brain for a while. He's only going to pass to you if he thinks it will lead directly to a made field goal, the optimal outcome of a basketball possession.

I said this exact same thing yesterday and it was nothing but people assuming the 1950's and segregation would come back.

How bout a bill that allows you to provide or deny service to anyone for any reason. You know, a bill that let's you run a business. why write the article?

And then you and everyone else write about it, and it becomes a thing again.

You cut the headline short..."Gawker/Deadspin the last to realize this."

If I go through the many articles Deadspin wrote about this yesterday, I'm willing to bet I find people that were chewed out for saying this exact thing in the comments section.

something tells me deadspin was excited

Precisely. This isn't a big deal at all...sites like this however, seem to be intent on making it one. Oh well.

I see everyone had a bowl of sour grapes this morning. Either that, or you all have short term memories. This is the same women who has bitched that she gets treated as nothing more than a sex symbol, yet turns around and uses that status in every promotional deal she gets.

This is the same Danica that wants to be taken seriously as an athlete and not just as a sex object, right????