He was right this is funny lol
He was right this is funny lol
What a productive two days you’ve had.
My concern about Carli Lloyd and tackling isn’t that she won’t be good at it - as Ray said, most kickers aren’t, and if it comes down to your kicker making a tackle, a lot has already gone wrong anyway so who gives a shit.
Nobody star this.
The “breaks” in question are the drum breaks in R&B and funk songs. During parties in New York the mid to late 70s, dancers would do special routines during the funky drum breaks. DJs like Kool Herc started taking two of the same record and playing the break on one of them while cuing up the same break on the other…
He’s Irish traveler, not Anglo-Saxon or Romany. His grandparents are from Galway. Jesus Christ this isn’t hard. AND HE’S CATHOLIC
NIMH... as in National Institute of Mental Health. Lab rats.
That makes literally no sense.
Our apartment looks like a medical supply store.
Spin Curse. Activate.
Omg my husband and I laughed so hard at this. But I’m sitting here with a fractured ankle and broken metatarsal which happened after a couple drinks in a casino so we can relate.
The name is fine and the logo is incredible. The only thing I find hilarious about all this is the gatekeeping of “European culture and tradition” from those who have probably never even stepped foot in Europe.
“Actually, the divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me.”
Celebrity deaths usually don’t affect me, but this one hit me really hard. Fuck this shit. Fuck Mental Illness.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and surmise that PepsiCo is ok with Gatorade not getting the recognition they paid for in this particular case.
If PFT Commenter is such a good guy as we’re always told by dudes online, then I would imagine knowing that his fanbase are the dumbest dipshits on the internet would really bum him out and make him miserable.
I like the idea of Bill sitting in his office whispering chants to himself to see if the metering and rhythm work correctly. Kinda like when Andy Bernard istrying to think of the Kit Kat theme song. Break me off a piece of that...
🗣Talk THAT talk, @stephencurry30 *NSFW*