
Well, now I’m embarazada.

I’ve been an attorney since 2004, I’m in California, and i keep looking for where I can work in this field. Cuz I’m done now. But CA doesn’t really need me. So I throw money at things. But my dream is to win the lotto so I can create the Abortion Underground Railroad. Because that is where we are at. While we fight at

It’s not absolutely impossible to advance without one though

I’m kind of surprised that nobody is really talking about her contribution to the town/area and are just talking about her books. This is a pretty interesting thing--one famous, wealthy, citizen making use of both her money and her influence to pretty much sustain a community. It could get dark pretty quickly, and

I hope she becomes poor and destitute, fuck her and her life of creating fear.

You know, if you add every possible (non-fraudulent) advantage in life - white, rich, well-connected, access to the best private schools and the best tutors and any books or study materials or computers or whatever you need, plus healthcare so you don’t miss school and so you can get any learning disability or

I’ve only had pretty good experiences with TSA. (Yeah, I’m white, so there’s that.) I’ve had to throw away some snacks and such and stuff one bag into another just for show until we get through security, and I’ve been patted down and snapped at a few times. A lot of it is unnecessary and probably ineffective, but

Glad to see the government shutdown ending opened the Smithsonian long enough for this fossil to lumber his way out of the diorama to our airwaves to again ramble on about what he thinks latinx people need in our country.

No maaaaames, güey.

You guys. I feel tired as hell. This is all so exhausting. I can’t even figure out what I want to care about (I maybe need to care about all of it but there’s no time)

There was but only as an add-on item so he had to order some socks to get the free delivery.

iI am not a “real mover and shaker” but I have a reasonably high-powered job. I often don’t comment on articles I read here because I know I do not have enough free time to comment enough on this site to become ungreyed and known as a commenter. I actually do not like this part of kinja, it feels a bit like highschool

No, Northern CA but all throughout CA our school districts are in budget crisis. A lot plays into that, CA schools quite frankly are a mess due to that bullshit lottery “funding” which was never really funding and the manner in which our schools are funding - The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Then on top of

My personal theory is that royal staff are extremely intolerant to any perceived rudeness from Meghan, and they’re leaking stories out of revenge. I’m sure Meghan has been rude at times. But surely every member of that family is entitled and spoiled. It’s just that staff will put up with it from blood royals, but not

I’m bringing your uninformed ass out of the greys because you need to be corrected.

He comes across as someone who wants what he wants and isn’t concerned about how aggressive he has to be to get it.

I’m thrilled that Ms. Abrams is fighting this. I don’t think she will win, but her fight will hopefully put govs. on notice that we ALL SEE YOU.

I’m really glad she’s fighting that asshole; too much is at stake to let him get away with this.

Y’all, voter turnout in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) broke 53% - the highest midterm turnout in over a decade, and smashing the pants off of 2014's 39%! I am so freaking scared to hope.