I stopped listening to Heather McDonald exactly for the same reason. Ugh, she kept referring to herself as the pretty comedian.
I stopped listening to Heather McDonald exactly for the same reason. Ugh, she kept referring to herself as the pretty comedian.
OMFG! This just made my blood boil! No, just no!
Use a sour apple spray to deter the chewing. Amazon sells a good one.
best move I ever made for my mental health. I left my beloved Oakland and moved back to SoCal. I cannot talk enough about how much my quality of life improved after moving away. I still miss the Bay sometimes, but for the most part, I love my life now. I have a quality of life and a work/life balance that I never…
wait until your pubs turn grey - I took it a lot more personal than I wanted when I discovered that little fact. I know, I know - TMI
I went through a bad break up several years ago and six months later my hair started falling out in clumps too. I researched it and apparently, it’s a common occurrence in the aftermath of a high stress/anxiety period.
WTF?! They found you?! Ugh, I hate people every day a little more. People are awful.
I’m so sorry. Do you at least have a functional relationship with him?
Oh no! Did you get your son back?
I’m further South, in San Diego and yes, every chance I got, I told people how SF was a hard city to live in, and how I couldn’t wait to move back. Needless to say, it was probably the reason I never made friends there.
I’m from SoCal and moved to the Bay Area during the recession and HATED it. I became a shut-in on the weekends to recover from my weeks. It took 5 years to move back. The 1st month I was back I could actually feel my body releasing the stress and tension of just trying to get through my days/weeks.
I was watching the live interview and thought he was going to take a swing at the female reporter asking questions. He is totally an abusive partner.
I honestly don’t think he has the ability for that type of long-term thinking. He doesn’t care about the history books or being memorialized. He cares about having super duper rallies in bumfuck America.
I think he has it in him. He has way too much pent-up anger and
Is this true or snark?
We took a car service back. We couldn’t wait the 4 hours it would have taken to get back into London. Slept 12 straight hours once we got back to the hotel.
Solange > Beyonce :)
I’m a green bean. My mom is from Mexico and dad was Irish American. I’ve recently started calling and identifying myself as brown. I’ve never thought of myself in that context, but I certainly identify and rage when my family is attacked at a very personal and visceral level.
I was in my early 20s when they married and died and have to admit that I fell for the Cinderella story. The press made it sound like they were truly madly in love but reading up on her now - she sounds awful - spoiled and entitled.
The Scorpio in me wouldn’t let me talk shit about my ex and thus my heartbreak on FB, but I definitely talked about it on here.