
People need to Get A Life. Good lord, there are so many other more worthy things to be outraged about.

I read this, and I still don't understand why everyone seems to hate this woman. She used a word she didn't understand very well, apologized for it. So what's the big deal?

People get stupider and selfisher as they get more afraid. Having mortgage and kids will make you very frightened of losing your crappy job, violence, etc etc etc

a whole 34 years? For a perfect human? I suppose you're patient, but what happens when you discover the little girl isn't perfect, since she's human and all?

I think you might need to get a life, and a mental health intervention.

This music hurts my ears but I have loved Cookie Monster for 3 decade. So I am conflicted.

these skinny gossip types have serious mental health issues. I don't think anyone should be engaging with their crazy other than to order up a psychiatric intervention. Instead of an article on Jezebel refuting Skinny Gossip beliefs which gives them credence, we should just label them with a mental health warning "

Good quality is fairly easy to tell. How are the seams sewn? pockets re inforced? How strong is the fabric? Good fabrics feel better, some fabrics are more delicate than others but good quality stuff feels more durable. Finishing? Sure you can spend $200 on a piece of nothing but that shouldn't happen if you're paying

there's no skill involved, it's just shopping knowing your measurements.

think about it - 100 years ago nobody had new stuff all the time, new outfits, new shoes, you got for festivals or life events, durability was a big selling point. Nobody went to a cobbler who made shitty shoes. But now getting something new all the time has become normalized, and you expect to dispose of it just as

they have the social responsibility statement on their website but who knows if it's true. Damn. I sew some stuff for myself and get basics from there.

I agree. People should just stop buying junk. Nobody needs so many clothes they have to buy stuff every month. When I was a kid everyone got one new 'nice' outfit a year, I looked forward to that so much. I'm not saying that people should only buy one outfit a year but buy less and buy less often actually makes the

'just because something is made better doesn't guarentee it'll hold up'

i buy second hand jil sander pants on ebay. that stuff lasts forever and ever and ever.

does anyone know if jcrew does decent labor conditions? Because I'm screwed otherwise.

this was my question.


same here. Good God the horror, the horror!

My experience is that my alma mater's brother school had better discipline for the boys because male teachers knew how to discipline them and build them up at the same time. Sort of like the army. Boys really respond to discipline from men they respect. By the time we went on to the last 2 years of high school (

I went to an all girls school from age 12 to 16. It's great. It's much better to separate the genders during puberty. You go through all your awkward phases without the added pressure of attention from the opposite sex. At the boys' school they had better discipline, more sports, a lot male bonding and leader ship