
We could all probably stand to eat less meat and source it from reputable vendors. I for one don't eat it unless I get it from whole foods or directly from a farm I like. The meat from big industrial farming is scary and I like animals and I think they deserve to enjoy a few moments of life, even if they are for

I'm fully expecting to see Mitt next in a Bum Fights video on youtube throwing change at the homeless and yelling at them to 'get it on!' If there's a personality type who would do that, it's definitely ol' pranking Romney. Ha ha.

a prank is filling someone's locker with confetti. What Romney did is an orchestrated assault. Imagine what frame of mind you would have to be in not only want to cut someone's hair without their consent because you don;t like how they look, but also organize a bunch of people to help you execute the attack and then

You will find remnants of it in the older generation of the Empire. My dad went to school that was meant to train locals as administrators and bureaucrats for the colonial administration, sort of like the Eton of ____, whatever, every former colony has one of those schools and they all became hotbeds of

meh, there are insecure, pathetic people everywhere who choose dates for their status not their personness, a lot of them are men. They are sadz, and will always be sadz until they grows up.

all the men must be 6 feet or taller and have a full head of hair - now we're fairsies.

I can see his presidential memoirs now " They say I bombed Iran, but I have no memory of that decision, it must have been the Democrats".

being incensed because someone is not like you and then forcible holding them down and cutting off a part of their person in not everyday meanness, that's a deep rooted mean streak. It's not like he was a teacher or principal or parent or authority figure who can say " cut your hair or else" he's just another kid but

"Romney was incensed by his nonconformity " this stood out and it gives me the creeps, these are the people who end up as fascists.

He did a much better job than Camilla. He has some talent for it. He placed emphasis well. His accent is so old fashioned, reminded me of my dad, which makes sense since they are the same age. Stephen Fry does a hilarious impression of Charles but I can't find a link to it.

decent supermarkets are not that easy to come by outside of the major cities.

It really depends where you are. There is a lot of choice and variety in major cosmopolitan cities. The pacific northwest is great, even outside the cities. But anywhere where your choices are between one corporation and another, the food is shockingly bad and the grocery stores appalling. On road trips I basically

THIS " Our country is set up in such a way that it is literally difficult NOT to get fat. " I don;t think people realize their vaunted " individual choice" political mindset is a sham when your choice is between Subway and Olive garden.

Totally, this is a problem of American society, not individual laziness. Assuming that Americans aren't exceptional humans there shouldn't be so much deviation from the norm of the rest of the industrialized world. But there is. The glaring difference is that American society is structured very differently from other

I think fat shaming is a convenient way to avoid dealing with the very real fact that the American government sold out the people to the sugar, candy and corn industry. Individual responsibility can only go so far when every bloody thing is stuffed with addictive sugar and proper food is expensive and time consuming

I didn't see your comment before I read yours! I made the same comment! It really does lower your IQ.

because they don't read. They just look at the picture and message you with " wassup" like throwing pasta at a wall, they hope eventually something will stick. I have it in my profile that I won't ever reply to a one line message and I still get tons of them.

I think you'll be happier at 4chan.

I fee compelled to mention the The Red Eye is what Chicagoans use to line the cat box. It is really the dumbest of dum dumb rags. You have to be extra stupid to write in. Seriously, I lose a few I.Q. points every time my eyes glance at it in a café.

Cornell has a unique status in that it is also something of a state school. In State students pay a greatly reduced tuition, and yeah, they have a great agriculture program.