
Pluto orbits way outside the ecliptic:

Suddenly, this tragic tale of a stroke victim mouse makes much more sense.

Actually, the medical cause of Padme's death was dislocated plot holes, herniated dialogue, lacerated story logic, contagious anti-chemistry lesions and fractured character motivation, compounded by congestive charisma failure and fatal constriction of acting muscles.

Made it to 1:30 when does the funny part start?

I kept reading polish week as Polish week, in which case I imagine the prep is less manicure and more:

To be fair, he actually reacted with less drama than the entire Internet did.


Well, I guess now we'll find out if that human growth hormone really works.

Lets put everyone from Portland, Oregon under quarantine because someone from Portland, Maine coughed.

Still on sale, ladies:

Feeling mischievous today.