
Somewhere in Hollywood, a writer is furiously CTRL+C/CTRL+V-ing Onion articles in to Final Draft.

It's always going to be a 1980s T-BirdFirebird….Trans-Am.

1) Sopranos and SOA are apples-and-oranges, shows that are trying to explore different things. I say that as someone who followed every episode of SOA up to the end of season 4 and finished Sopranos.

I'm rooting that the baby shoots Gemma, because it would be hilarious.

My wife & I didn't watch this season at all until this episode, because reading the recaps we figured at least there'll be some fireworks.

[adds "beaner" and "wetback" to search terms, Texas shoots straight to the top of the pile followed by AZ and the Deep South.]


Actually, raining bacon down from the skies is pretty fucking terrifying to certain devout religious people.

Because of your comment, it just went to 60%.

Maybe she could just post a GIF of a head exploding from Scanners?

Take the remote, and do this:

Well by your logic that I totally agree with, George Takei in Kabuki drag will be super great.

I think Spacey is a little too old to play Ward (at least in the early going) but I can totally see Ray Stevenson (in Titus Motherfucking Pullo mode) as Big Pete.

Warren Oates is right. The American Tabloid trilogy is great. Quick reads too. Ellroy boiled down his prose to the bone. Everything four words max. Get used to it. Dig it.

Wait, there's 250 comments and nobody's telling the girl with the burned neck to just go doggy-style? Or at least make the boyfriend toss her salad as "punishment" for burning her?

This sounds like a mixed legacy. On one hand, he demystified the screenwriting process for the masses and it resulted in interesting voices making their ways into movies that wouldn't have otherwise. On the other hand, he spawned so, so, so many hacks. Also, "3-Act Structure" often winds up forcing a lot of scripts