
I believe I’m with you on this. Like true crime podcasts, i fucking hate when someone’s actual murder is turned into drama for entertainment. And while this is being played out in real time, it still feels like the interest drawn to it and the coverage about it is following the playbook created by those podcasts.

Hell, I’ll settle for recognizing that encouraging a culture of “just tell the cops what you know” and “they should search his house immediately” could potentially be used disproportionately against people of color. This site and commentators go from ACAB to Copraganda real quick.

It would be cool while you’re running stories about how the Emmys are too white if you also maybe ran a story about a missing or murdered woman of color for every story and update you run about Gabby. Just a thought.

The whole internet detective slueth confuses me. Can’t wait for the Netflix doc to come out. People are vultures.

STOP. COVERING. THIS. STORY. It’s fucking gross and you’re playing to Americans’ worst instincts. 

Just think if a fraction of this effort was spent on the hundreds of native women and girls who go missing every year?

Tell me again why we should care about a missing random white woman?

Aw jeez, and it’d been so long since we’d had a Missing White Woman story. I’m sure the nooze media will continue to milk this tragedy for another couple weeks while thousands of people die due to anti-vax propaganda (and thousands more suffer from non-newsworthy DV.)

I was a kid during the Bush years but even I remember how despicable the Republicans were during that time.

I worked at a Sbarro’s in 2005 and my Moroccan coworkers would tell people that they were latin to avoid being attacked.

Obama? You mean the droning weddings or the deploying special forces into sovereign nations that are ostensibly our allies. His domestic policy was different, but his foreign policy was fairly in line with Bush’s (and to be fair a number of 20th century presidents). The only way he’s really all that odd is that he

Bush said a lot of the Right Things in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 (“the Islam I know is a religion of peace”, “this attack was carrots out by extremists who do not represent mainstream Islam“, etc.). There was a brief glimmer of a constructive path ahead but I don’t think anyone eat surprised when he didn’t take

As I remember it, the vast sentiment after 9/11 was to wipe the Middle East off the map. If *ever* there was a public outcry of support for nuclear weapon usage, I would believe that it would have been beginning 9/12/01. This just goes to show that Bush was either 100% full of shit or worse, believes the reality he

Most people who have been following Cuomo for his whole career don’t find this suspicious. He has always been a creepy jackass — he is just a less smooth Bill Clinton. 

So please explain what isn’t “vulgar” about portraying transpeople as mentally ill or lending succor to paedophiles and happily becoming the public face of a movement designed to remove rights of transpeople?

Don’t be so fucking stupid.

He spent millions to keep Pat Toomey, Susan Collins, and Pete King in their seats. He held a fundraiser for Pat King at his own house right after pledging to spend money to help Democrats. He doesn’t care if Democrats have the majority or not. He’s buying support. 

Well, if we’re going for dream scenarios, then it would be Trump getting hit in the forehead by a purple dildo a half second after he starts having a stroke on stage. Just pow! A flying dong right between the eyes.


why can’t Trump (impeached) have the stroke and the heart attack while we all watch?   (I can dream, can’t I ..)